Would you Judge someone on how they look?


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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2008
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ok really..be honest..

i wouldent..because i know how it feels

being the "Grim little Goth girl" at school

but what about you?

No I judge on personality. Some people can be beyond beautiful. but the meanest people alive. I also know how you feel. I get judge a lot because I like Anime, and the joker but lately i've been hanging out with friends who dont care about that so it works out :)

Being in an environment where it happens almost all the time sometimes takes its affect on me, to be perfectly honest. I might not even catch myself doing it, but I obviously don't voice it, as in going "EW PREP".

Of course, Nicole and I have been best friends for years, and even going into middle school changed us both. She leaned more toward Hollister and I leaned more toward Hot Topic, and we're both fine with eachother. We're still great friends.

I don't necessarily judge a person by how they look, but try to judge more by how they act.

I know what you mean. Dx

People just come up and start throwing things in your face.

No I wouldn't. I hate when people do it to me.

But... When I see little girls obsessing over hannah montanna I know right away that's an area I want to stay away from.

I mostly judge by attitude.

Blunt honest yes.

But not the way they look (Ugly,pretty etc) or if the look emo but on how much make-up they wear.

If they look normal or have tastefully applied make-up then they are ok. If its revolting slapped on and over done (Like half of my school) then I automatically think 'Self-obsessed -insert discriminating word here-' Because generally all they ever say is about themselves being superior. I can just imagine them saying "Oh noes! I smudged my distasteful make-up line!"

The more make-up untastefully applied the lower my opinion of them.

&& Everyones taste in music is different so no to that one.

I don't really judge them on how they look, I only judge on how they act and their personality.

As cluck_cluck_chicken said, if they have heaps of makeup on, sometimes I judge them a little.

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Everyone judges people's on looks regardless of what anyone might say.

Looks are the first thing you notice.

For instance.

Are you to tell me that if you saw someone who was holding a knife and looked plain dangerous, you'd go up to them and be their friend?


That's judging people on their looks.

As for music, people can listen to what ever they please.

People don't like my music, and I don't like theirs. It doesn't make them any more or less of a person.

Yes, I do judge people on their looks.

It's acne that really bothers me.

If someone has acne I probably wont go up and make friends with them.

I get nauseas around blemishes.

Yes, I do.

For example, I don't want to be friends with people that appear to possibly be a criminal, ganster, or a pervert.

If a person looks "normal", then I try to find out more about them, and if I think they're a decent person (Who wouldn't classify as a "shallow idiot", since most people at my school do), I might want to make friends with them.

Yes, I do judge people on their looks.It's acne that really bothers me.

If someone has acne I probably wont go up and make friends with them.

I get nauseas around blemishes.
Yeah, that's probably one thing that makes me not go up to them. Acne creeps me out sometimes. But only if it's really bad.

I'm not going to lie and say that I don't judge people by way they look. Because I do. So, ideally, I don't judge on looks, but I know I do and I will own up to that.

As for music? Well, usually if someone listens to a type of genre I know a bit of what they are like. For instance, if you listen to Disney music, you're probably cheerful. While, if you listen to people screaming about death constantly, you're probably not the most cheerful person. Music speaks emotion, and puts what you're feeling out there. So you get a bit of what a person is like and what they are feeling by what they listen to, but you shouldn't necissarily judge them that way, and what they are listening to isn't always true to what they are feeling.

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I do. I'm sorry to say but I do judge people on their looks. If I see a girl my age wearing, for example, a too small shirt and clashing pink sweat-pants and messy/dirty hair then I think less of them. Because looking like that, to me basically screams "I DON'T CARE ABOUT MYSELF" and I don't want to have a friend who hates themselves. But that's it, if someone dresses like a prep or whatever I don't care as long as they don't look like a 3 year old that dressed themselves. I can't help thinking that even though I know it's bad... And as for music I don't judge from that at all.

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