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The first one! I can't live without music. Besides, I kind of like 'It's A Small World'.

WYR eat dog poo or drink cat pee?

Cat pee. theres a special machine to filter pee, making it drinkable water :D used in space

Play or Dance?

play duh....i play trumpet

stck your hans and feet in likzard pee or stick a gecko up your nose

i no weird!

Do some of that geko action. XD


Eat a TV set


Eat your...CD player *shudders*

Tv set. because at least its not mine!

WYR do math all day or Chemistry all day?

eat a flaming rat.


Take a surprise pop quiz you know nothing about and if you don't get it right, you fail the whole school year OR get smacked in the face with a bowl full of....Tuna?

The dog. Defnitely the dog.

Would you rather:

Be forced to listen to every Ashlee Simpson song..or every Britney Spears song?

die quick because I vow that I would never say by to loved ones I'll always be there ;_;

WYR not be able to get on tamatalk or not be able to use any type of searching item

Not be able to use any type of searching item.

WYR get plastic surgery or marry Barney?

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