Would You Rather?


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Maryy a monkey!


WYR get kicked out of TT or get kicked out of home!

TT, cause I would make a new account

WYR eat your socks or your underwear?

not be aloud on TT. Because most of my friends here have youtubes and i could talk to them there 8D

WYR be Hannah Montana or be a Jonas brother (I know they are both evil)

A good writer by far~

WYR be GREAT at math or GREAT at reading (you cant say like math because im good at reading already, one or the other.)

I'm already good at reading, and I have a D in math. So math.

Would you rather eat an elephant dropping or eat regurgitated fish?


WYR blue or green?

um what? that's not really a would you rather question....o.o

WYR be married at 15 or never marry at all?

...I'm not sure. I guess twilight because I am reading it, but Harry Potter is what i wanna read next. but Twilight

WYR kiss someone you hate or kiss someone you like but that person secretly hates you.

Vanessa Hudgens

WYR be a rebel [like not follow the rules, be an outcast] or be a goody-two shoes [like always follow the rules, be really good]

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wyr be kicked twice in the gut, or have someone slam your nose against a desk

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