Wow. Can't believe I'm returning.


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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
[SIZE=7pt]Hi everyone. I was a member of TamaTalk back in... 2004-05? Whoa. Around five years ago, man it's been a while and a lot has sure changed for me. Anyway, I was a member here in primary school when I actually used Tamagotchi's and the like. Truth be told, I wouldn't mind starting up the old things again. Okay, that's a lie. I'm way too lazy and too cheap to fork out $5 for a new battery. Besides, year eleven (equivalent of the American 'junior' year) is difficult enough without looking after an egg. From memory, I've got a version one, version two, version three and a Tamagotchi Mini. [/SIZE]

Haha, I even remember my first ever adult! His name was Peach and he was a Tarakotchi. My best friend Alycia and I got our Tamagotchi's at the same time, and her first adult was Mango, a Mametchi. We used to set up houses out of Barbie furniture for our Tamagotchi's, and physically play with the Tamagotchi's themselves. Gosh, I miss those days. Primary school Tamagotchi life was so innocent and fun. If any of you reading this are still in your early teen years or are yet to reach them - please, make the most of the time you have. It's just like they say. When we're young, all we want to grow up, but when we're older, we'd do anything to be young again.

Haha I know that's a bit deep and meaningful for an introduction, but hey, I'm just so nostalgic right now. I used to be a huge forum nerd, I've still got forums actually, but they're all inactive and are mainly anime or Warriors RPG's. So anyway, that's enough of that. Wow, I just found one of my old accounts here (I had a few). Almost made it to 1000 posts haha. Oh well, maybe this time around I will. So I'll stop with the long uninteresting sentences now and just jot down a few bits of crucial info about me!

Name: I prefer to keep that private these days, so call me Halcyon or Hallie for short.

Gender: Female.

Age: 71 days till I'm 17!

Interests: Drawing manga, writing, reading, animal studies and webcamming.

Music: The Getaway Plan, All Time Low, Blink-182, Mayday Parade, Paramore, Ellington, You Me At Six, I Set My Friends on Fire, Taking Back Sunday, The Used, The Starting Line, Cute is What We Aim For, Lydia (as of very recently) and Alesana. Pretty dang passionate about music.

Television/Movies: Gossip Girl, True Blood, Brothers & Sisters, Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, Mean Girls, 500 Days of Summer, Elizabethtown, Sasamekikoto, Kashimashi, Ouran and Bokura ga Ita.

Literature: The Warriors series, the Harry Potter series, the Twilight saga, the Sookie Stackhouse novels, Fruits Basket, Love For Venus, High School Debut and Full Moon.

That's pretty much it!

Welcome back, Hallie. :3 I've been a member since 2005, so it's great to see an 'old timer,' if you will, return to TT. 8D

Anyways, I'm Krystal. It's nice to meet you~

I hope to see you around and I hope you have funn. c:

Wow, so there are some other old timers here too! That's great. =D

Thank you for the warm welcomes, I hope to see you around too!

Welcome back dear!

My first account was Tama_Lover994 from 2006... this is my second (and only other) account. So I'm kind of an oldie I guess.

Anyway, it's good to have you here I'm looking forward to seeing you around the boards. :D

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I'm so glad there's still original/legit. members here. I really thought the place would have been overthrown by n00bs.

I had two or three accounts, but I've only found two. I think I had a fair few posts on my first one.

And lol I've already seen you around on the boards a lot, but I hope to see more of you! :huh:

& Lol yay hi Ali.
