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Nov 9, 2006
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I went swimmin, n i kept wonderin if there was a way of lettin my tamagotchi swim 2. I thought n thought n thought. then one day i got it!

i got a small plastic bag... it felt pretty thick.

And i told my dad to put it through a machine at his work which seals things up.

It was a big risk i decided to take it. so my tama woz locked

inside this plastic bag n i took it swimmin

i put it under the water n it woz fine!!!!!! I take it into the bath,swimmin EVERYWHERE

Tamagotchis break instantly if they get wet, although I see no reason not to put them in a plastic bag, I suppose. Just make sure it's sealed properly!!

Cool idea!

StarTama :furawatchi:

Maybe you could use one of those Space Bag vacuum sealers that they sell on tv? :furawatchi:

Actually, that's a pretty ingenious idea you came up with. :( I've never thought of swimming with my Tama. Then again, I haven't opened my pool in 3 years, dragonflies are now breeding in the water that collects in the cover. I say it's a certifiable habitat. :D

I wouldn't risk. Yes, StarTama is right. If a tamagotchi touches water it immediatly breaks. I had a dream that some weird ..woman put it in my sink and I ran downstairs and asked for another one to buy on eBAY. Luckily, it was just a dream. Anyways, make sure the bag has no holes and is sealed properly. Check for any sealing problem.

That be cool! But not all our dads Have big machined to seal stuff. Cool idea though!


that is sooooo cool, i tried once but it started leaking inside but its fine now

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