Wow I thought I was gonna die!


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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2006
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Ok so it was a normal day, a beatiful day and everything was going well. But then we began to get thunder clouds, and my dog was outside, she was barking like CRAZY which was weird because it was barely raining, so we put her in the house and she stopped. So the very mild storm started to began, but then it started to rain really hard, it started to get windy, ect. But I was like 'its probaly nothing' but then it began to hell, and i mean HUGE. so my dog starts barking like crazy again, and we hear the tornado warning Alarm go off, so I started to freak out! but the tornado Alarm was from far away so you can barely hear it, so me and my family went on the internent to see what was happening, we couldnt get anything. So I did the only thing I could do, call 911. I asked them what we should do, if there was a torando coming, ect. and he said yes and turn on the radio, so we did and it says that we had a storm close to us, so I was freaking out, crying in the closet with my dog, the rest of my family was like trying to call my dad, who was closer to the tornado then us. but he wouldnt awsner, then the torando Alarm started to get louder so I was freaking out more and I kept praying and praying, then it all stoped. and the sun began to come out, the Alarm slowly began to fade away, and the clouds moved and the sun came. and we turned on the TV, the tornado that was gonna hit turned around and went the other way! I was soooo happy!!! Im actually still shaking from the fear x-x I should have known something was up when my dog was acting up over a small storm. Anyway has anything like this ever happen to you? has your animals ever sensed a storm or another danger was coming?

P.S Excuse my spelling, I cant think that straight xD

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Whoa. Scary. I would have hid in the basement.


My birds Chirp and go crazy. My dog also starts barking like crazy when someone is close to the house, or on the property. But my dog is just a puppy and doesn't know how to bark. So he attempts.


Animals can sense danger better than us. It's like "Hey you, aren't you listening to anything I am saying! There is a storm coming. Prepare your selfs! Don't sit there and stare at me!?!?" when they go crazy like that.


Glad you're safe. :kuribotchi:



WOAH thats really cool we dont have tornados in california but i emagine they are SKARY! good fo u! dont u just love when ur not ded xD

In 2002 (I think) I was in japan and my dad was with his boss and theres these giant Lazy Rivers or Irrigation systems or whatever you wanna call them around the area and it heads to downtown Kyoto and theres these taxi boats and rafts and stuff that you can get in and my sister and I rented a raft and while we were in the boat it was getting cloudy then it started raining realy hard and it felt like a bunch of Japanese swords were piercing our skin! :rolleyes:


I like tornadoes.


My idea of great weather.

[SIZE=7pt]I really liked reading your story, because I know how you feel.[/SIZE]

I'm in Canada, so we don't get as much Tornados as the US.

But, oh my gosh, I have 2 really bad stories like this.

We get the occasional Summer Tornados up here, and 1 year ago, I had an experience.

We hid in the basement of my summertime cottage. It hit. (!!!!!) Oh yeah, it wasn't that big, but it's still a Tornado. It sounded like a train. It damaged alot of trees, but we were safe. Thank goodness. Or the time I hid in my Friend's basement, while we watched the TV that signaled the "Tornado Warnings for Our Area!" We were so scared, we were trying to eat popcorn to distract us. Hah, like that worked. And my Family drove to Pennsylvania in 2002, and there was a Twister hitting the city we were headed for. We missed it, but got the storm that pased it alright! :|

Just be safe :)

[SIZE=7pt]I really liked reading your story, because I know how you feel.[/SIZE]I'm in Canada, so we don't get as much Tornados as the US.

But, oh my gosh, I have 2 really bad stories like this.

We get the occasional Summer Tornados up here, and 1 year ago, I had an experience.

We hid in the basement of my summertime cottage. It hit. (!!!!!) Oh yeah, it wasn't that big, but it's still a Tornado. It sounded like a train. It damaged alot of trees, but we were safe. Thank goodness. Or the time I hid in my Friend's basement, while we watched the TV that signaled the "Tornado Warnings for Our Area!" We were so scared, we were trying to eat popcorn to distract us. Hah, like that worked. And my Family drove to Pennsylvania in 2002, and there was a Twister hitting the city we were headed for. We missed it, but got the storm that pased it alright! :|

Just be safe :)
Yay! a Fellow Canadian!!

i remember that storm!

it was frekeh

Scary. It must be really so if you hear the alarm going off, not many tornadoes in my state.

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