Writing a story!


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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2005
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Hey, Im thinking of a story, about my Character Yazi.

How do you think the story will go like?

Here's a bit of...I guess a chapter bit:

She collapesed to her knees, looking at the photo. Yazi began to tremble, and then started crying. Not just the teary cry, but a plea. A Plea for help. The Home she had now had no one around to help her, Exept her one friend, Sen. Yazi cried over the photo of her mom, Her livid red hair flowing, and her smile welcoming her, as if she was letting her come into a special room. Yazi looked up at the moon, her fallen tears glistened on the hard ground. She stood up, and found it very difficult. She leaned on the closest thing she could grab. She felt a large gust of wind, and her legs gave away. She fell backwards, onto he bed, her arms spread out. She could hear footsteps down the hall, but it was drowned out with the loud, shreiking scream in her head. Then she blacked out.

How is it? its just a little bit of it. ;)

Sounds good, but it should be like, theh 'before story' for the book, then you could start where you ended here.

Duders. Write more please. please? I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!?!?!?

[SIZE=5pt]I hate cliff hangers.[/SIZE]


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Yeah, prolouge, but I chose agenst it, since "prolouge" is a long word. its also used to sound very smart. So use it to sound smart D:

Well, im only up to the part where she gets to the orphanage. Ill get it wrote down :)

wow! are you gonna be a writer when your older??

really good, and love the structure aswell!

you should definatley carry on! :)

wow! are you gonna be a writer when your older??really good, and love the structure aswell!

you should definatley carry on! :)
Either that or an Artist.

Entered a school writing thing, came in 3rd place. won a penicil DX


Well, 3rd place in anything isent really good. Its usually 1st place who gets a good thing, like an art kit, Book, anything.

seriously write a full length book! u are awsome!! It has a great amount of suspense and it hooks the reader into wanting to read more.

Good! One thing, about the wording, though, it should be her legs gave way, rather than gave away. Otherwise, pretty good, keep writing!
