x\\~All of the Rainbow~//x


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Jun 12, 2009
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In the land where all things have died, life is gone, humanity is lost. Those who still have it are outcasts, the colourless can only pray - to a god who isn't listening. This is Palatimo. Everything has lost colour, life seems to be a curse. But humanity lingers, there is seven people who hold these colours in their bodies. Now it is there job to save the world.

They must seek each other, then seek the sacred spots that are buried within Palatimo. The destined seven must save the ones with light, and destroy the manifestation of evil. An unworthy queen drowned herself in desire, stealing the coloured life from the world.

The fate of the world lies in their hands. ~ /#/#


Mary Sues are a no no.

No Kawaiis.

Only one person can represent a colour, this means only seven people will be able to be part of the rainbow. You can always make yourself colourless.

If you read the rules, put 'All hail the destined seven' in your post.

This is a semi-literate RP, 2 properly written sentences per post will please me.

Only 3 characters each person.

Only 1 of your characters can be a colour.

You must be accepted to start.


Full Name:


Colour: (Coloured: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Violet. Uncoloured: White, Gray, Black.)

Appearance: (Descriptions are loved. Anime is only allowed with a description.)





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((This sounds like a great idea, but aren't purple and violet the same colour? o3o))

Full Name: April Rodgers

Gender: Female

Colour: Purple

Appearance: April is a caucasian girl, with piercing blue eyes and curly brown hair that falls to her shoulders. She is usually smiling. She doesn't wear very much colourful and expensive things, but rather cheap and hand-made things. She prefers not to mess about with her hair, and just leaves it flat. She is 5'2" and weighs 70 lbs.

Personality: April is always calm and easy-going, and doesn't take big things too seriously. She is very polite around everyone, especially adults, but is occasionally blunt and comedic around friends and family. She can occasionally break down when she is too stressed or unhappy, but doesn't like to push herself too hard. April is very empathetic and often tells people she knows how they feel, even when she doesn't. She is usually very outgoing.

History: April hasn't had much of a history, it was just full of happiness and eager will, but after all things died, April tried to make things better for herself, her friends, and her family, but after everything lost colour, there wasn't much hope.

Other: All hail the destined seven!


(I guess so. But I'm really feeling lazy to change it at the moment.)

(Nah, they could be used as ones but the uncoloured are just normal citizens.)

Full Name: Delaney Martin

Gender: Female

Colour: Green

Appearance: Delaney is a Caucasian girl, with brunette hair that is straightened, and goes to her shoulders. She is about medium height (5'5), and is average weight for her age. She has light, blue eyes, and some freckles dotted on her cheeks. Delaney tends to wear casual clothing, basically, anything you see most people wearing these days.

Personality: Delaney is practically your average girl- she isn't really too skilled at anything, except maybe anything artsy (She's pretty darn good at painting and sculpting). She's a kind, person, who is pretty friendly- but only to people she trusts and likes. Although she tries not to make it obvious she doesn't like certain people, those certain people can easily tell she doesn't like them, as Delaney can make it pretty obvious. Ever since the color disappeared, she really hasn't been herself, and has been a lot more depressed and negative.

History: Delaney grew up with a normal family, living her life while painting, sketching, and sculpting- but when color disappeared, she grew more depressed, and began to be less enthusiastic about things than she used to be.

Other: All Hailed the destined Seven!

Because you guys need a villain. Tell me if this is okay - if not, I'll just make a coloured person xP

Full Name: Lucas Alexandro

Gender: Male

Colour: The blackest shade of black you'll ever see.

Appearance: (Okay, I'm unsure of how to do this, seeing as I'm not sure if being colourless means they're like, black and white xP I'll make it up.) So Lucas seems to have a bit of a thing for the colour black nowadays. He had a bit of a liking for it before this all happened, sticking to black suits etc when he wasn't wearing more fancy stuff, but now he's just turned this up to eleven. His clothing style has remained black, his short hair is black, even his eyes appear black these days. And of course, he is pretty much always grinning or smirking, unless you've really angered. Which in all honesty, doesn't take much...

Personality: From the outset, Lucas seems like a pretty calm, reasonable guy. Sure, the smirk or grin that's permanantly on his face can be a little unnerving, especially if you're about to tell him some bad news. Yes, Lucas has a very, VERY short fuse - he'll snap at the smallest things, whether it be someone seriously failing him or someone simply 'looked at him wrong'. Despite this, it can actually be pretty hard to tell when he's angry or not at first. He won't just suddenly fly into a rage. After a while, it becomes pretty easy to tell the signs - he give a little sigh, before running a hand through his hair and just watching the person. If you've screwed up,you have about five seconds to tell him how you're going to sort it out. If you don't, or don't give a satisfactory answer, then he'll make a sarcastic comment before finally losing it. So yeah, it's wise not to annoy him. Outside of his rages he's a pretty average guy. Well, as average as a twisted, abandoned Prince can be.

History: So yeah, as you might expect, Lucas has lived a pretty good life, what with his Mum and Dad being the rulers and all. However, it wasn't all great for Lucas, seeing as his Dad eventually died of some random illness and his mother basically ignored him in favour of her own desires. Lucas was left to make his own way in the world with only one or two other people to keep him on the rails - however they've only partially suceeded, and not by much. When everything went downhill in the world, well, Lucas made a snap desicion and decided to embrace it. After all, he'd been feeling pain and sadness for most of his life, so why shouldn't other people feel the same now? As you may have guessed, he's not too fond of the 'destined seven', and plans to prevent them meeting each other by anyway possible. And yes, I do mean 'any way possible'.

Other: Yeah, he's the prince of this place. Also: All hail the destined seven! Although Lucas disagrees.

*made up most of this on the spot*


Oh - and just to clarify the people that are heroes are normal looking people with an coloured aura - uncoloured people have gray/white/black skin, eyes, clothes, aura and pretty much everything.

Full Name: Andrea 'Andy' Charles / Emily 'Emma' Willis

Gender: F/F

Colour: Orange / Gray

Appearance: Andrea has natural orange hair - which turns out to work for her heroic power. She wears alot of short clothes but she tends to favor her mini-skirt. Her eyes are a cold blue which is almost cover by an orange messy fringe. / Emily has short hair with a fringe shoved behind her ears. Her happy green eyes were transformed into a gloomy light grey. Her freckles were unable to be seen after the colours were stolen from the world.

Personality: Andrea is a bit of a loving daughter type of girl. Despite how tall she is - she'll look up to anybody worthwhile. She is a tiny bit preppy and ignorant to others. She can be clueless and not understand a thing. / Emily could be told that she looks like a horror movie villain. She is silent and pierces people with her sight. Emily was once the happiest girl and only worried about breaking a nail - but she gets p**sed easily, she hadn't been the same since the colours went away. Emily is sort of a silent and without reason - a stalker.

History: Andrea lived in a large house with a large family on a hill far east from a city that she leaves unnamed. Her mother and father were sacrificed to save their kis from that black queen and the city destroyed. Andrea and her siblings fled away until they were lost in the wide world - they were then separated and she hasn't seen her siblings to this day. / Emily was a spoiled little brat back in the day, she was an only child and got just about anything she wanted. That cause her to be extremely happy with herself and full of excuses that her parents believed. Her mother was dragged into slavery for the evil queen and her father went to save her - and never came back. Emily sat in a house by herself for 2 years - waiting for her parents to come back. Eventually she came out to look for them herself.


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umm,, Excuse me?

Can i know what are you going to do after you get all seven people,Im new to these things... :mellow:

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