x.Saku's V5 Log!


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Sorry I didn't update earlier :( I completely forgot, well, I was mostly lazy. Haha :chohimetchi: Anyway, right now my triplets are sleeping in my little ringotchi pouch, so I'll just have to check their stats.



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 90%

Gotchi Points: 6150$


I took them to tamatown today and they had a really good time! x3 I also bought them some things, and spoiled them! Tomorrow I might not be on as much cause I'm going to the mall to buy new clothes for high school. I'm gonna try to do a decora/harajuku style and wear really bright colors, but they don't sell clothes like that where I live. Dx Anyway, I might start making youtube videos because I MIGHT get a webcam really soon. Plus, I was looking at tamagotchi items on ebay and I wanted lots of stuff >w< I wish I had the money for it though...oh well, tomorrow I'm getting a new cell phone. x3


I'll post more tomorrow morning before I leave. Bye bye! Goodnight :3

Ellow! I'm back from zee mall! ^w^ And I finally got my cell phone >:3 That means ill be posting more pictures of my tama. I'd take on right now but the lighting in my room is super bad since its really cloudy outisde. It's been raining all day :S Teehee, well my triplets finally evolved! Here it is:


Nick: Mametchi

Saki~Chan: Chantotchi

Kevin: Kuchipatchi


My tama's loved going shopping wiff me, they really enjoyed themselves. I even bought them something to get them in the mood. Sadly, I didn't go to target and thats where I mostly get my tamagotchi stuff. Hopefully I'll go really soon. :p



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 100%

Gotchi Points: 6430$


This morning lost bonding percentage and it went down to 80% :p But i got it all back, teehee. Well, ill update later on, bye everyone! Tata for now~

Hello! Sorry for updating so late, I fell asleep yesterday^_^; Anyway, I just have to wait another day so my tama can get married. It's just super hard to choose which one. They're all so adorable! I think I'm gonna choose Saki~chan. Well anyway, this morning when I woke up their hungry hearts were empty and they had lost two happy hearts :( I immediately filled them up though!



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 100%

Gotchi points: 6590$


Haha, aww! My kuchipatchi just went to the toilet! How adorable^w^ I'll post pictures soon. And i'll update later on, bye everyone!

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!! *throws conffetti and fireworks* WOOOOOOOOO! Lol, sorry for not updating in soooooo long! :puroperatchi: I've been getting lazier each day and kind of busy. Don't worry, you didn't miss out on anything I left my tama's on pause :ichigotchi: Oh, you're wondering why I said tama's huh? :puroperatchi: I finally put batteries in my V4.5! Right now it's a paused toddler, oh well. lol


I've been taking my triplets to the dating show all day today but there's no luck. Let me try again. GAH I REALLY WANT A PURE FAMILY!! That's it, I'm gonna choose the next character that comes up. Teehee. Hold on.


I picked this weird tama that has a bow. Now there's two little eggs on the screen :mametchi: Aww! They hatched! Hold on let me make them happy >_<




Lol, here are their stats:

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 0%

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 7170$

Daughter: Omututchi

Son: Mimifuwatchi

Father: Papamametchi

Mother: Mememamatchi


I decided not to name my twins because it gets way too confusing. xD So thats about it for my V5, I'll update when they evolve.




Okay, now for my V4.5's turn. Right now it's a toddler, I named her Tila because I was watching A Shot At Love while she was hatching xDD I can't find a V4.5 growth chart on tamatalk, so I'll just update later on telling you guys what kind of tama she is. >_< Today Tila got mail, it was a heart. Hmmm, i wonder what that means. :puroperatchi: I took her to pre-school today, hopefully she'll evolve today or tomorrow. I don't know, I had on pause. Sorry Tila! Oh I just gave her time-out lol



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4 Bars

Funny: 22

Gorgeous: 22

Spiritual: 8

Age: 0

Weight: 13lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 3200$

User Name: Saku


That's about it, I promise to update later on today to tell you how things are going. I'll be roaming around tamatalk if you guys wanna talk or comment on my log or just ask questions. Oh! And I posted my Tamagotchi V4.5 on my Tamatalk album. Okies, i'll leave now. Thank you for reading my log x33 Byeee!

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Hello again! Thank you so much for viewing my log, I almost have 200 views! Just keep the views coming you guys :D Anyway, my V5 twins evolved! Woohoo :p The daughter turned into a Belltchi and the son turned into a mousetchi. They look so cute jumping around in the screen ^w^



Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds: 10%

Gotchi points: 7350$


Right now I caught the dad vaccuming while belltchi was watching, haha! It was so cute ^w^



Today Tila got mail and she's going to school now. ^O^ I chose the turtle teacher, don't ask why lol. She's doing very well and she evolved into a zouritchi. I've gotten this character thousands of times but I still think she's adorable. Lol



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 5 bars

Funny: 36

Gorgeous: 26

Spiritual: 8

Age: 1

Weight: 21lb

Gotchi Points: 4200$



I was trying to connect my V5 with my sister's V5 but for some reason it kept saying 'Download or Reset'. And it can't be because of the battery because I just put new ones in. If anyone could please help me, i'd appreciate it so much :) Okay, well I'll try to update later on if i don't get lazy. Byeeeeee!

I hope you guys had a great day ^_^ It's almost 2 in the morning and I'm still up xP I'm just gonna put in the stats and go to bed. Well, nothing much happened to tell you guys the truth. Everything pretty much stayed the same.


V5 Stats:

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 10%

Gotchi Points: 7470$



V4.5 Stats:

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 3/4

Training: 6 Bars


Gorgeous: 26

Spiritual: 8

Weight: 21lb

Gotchi Points: 4200$


Later on today I'm gonna get my braces on my bottom teeth and then im gonna go to a festival with my dad so I won't be on until late in the afternoon. I'm taking my tamagotchi's with me so there's no problem :D Okay, well, GOODNIGHT!!! Lol, or goodmorning however you see it. I'll see you tomorrow, keep viewing my log please!!
