XO Braces!


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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I have to have braces :,( But I don't know when at the minute. Any advise? On colour, if it hurts, or anything.

Please dont lie

They hurt for a week after you first get them on, and whenever you go in for an adjustment it will hurt afterwards for a few days. The adjusting itself isn't painful, just really uncomfortable, but it doesn't take too long. Hope this helped! ^.^

I have never had them, but a lot of my friends have. Apparently it does hurt at first, but then you get used to the feel of braces.

Yeah, usually they hurt for about a week after you first have them on, but my pain seemed to last around 2 weeks. D:

Oh, & it kinda hurts a little after you get them tightened every 6-8 weeks or so, but not as much as when you first get them on, that's the worst pain you'll have throughout the treatment. :] But trust me, it's nothing too extreme, at all, it just feels like your teeth are being pulled together. If you get your thumb, & push on your front teeth quite hard, I guess it's a little like that, nothing too bad. :]

It's hard to bite down & chew anything when you first get them on, so I had to eat things like mash, soups & rice for 2 weeks. xD

But after about a week, you can start working your way up to harder things, gradually. :]

They also feel really uncomfortable in your mouth. I remember when I sat up in the Ortho's chair after having them on, I felt the braces in my mouth & it felt like my teeth were sticking out of my mouth really bad, like my lips had gone all puffy or something. xD They'll feel weird & scratch the inside of your mouth for quite some time, but they give you wax to put on the brackets if this happens. :]

Sorry for the long post, I hope this information is useful to you, & good luck with your braces. :D

Oh, & remember to take some painkiller tablets before you go to get them on, then take some when you get home (depending on the time taken between each tablet). It really helps to ease the pain.

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Maybe but mine never hurt only a bit after it got adjusted. It never hurt me only when I was eating for dinner I had to have soup.

Here this is what I told huntr rocks when she asked us before:

Let me give you some braces tips (I have braces):
I doesn't hurt when you get them on. For some people it hurts right after. Like when I got my braces on they didn't hurt, I felt on top of the world because all of the people who told me it hurt like crazy were "wrong". Later I tried to bite a cookie, but there was some dull pain. I had to eat noodles and yogurt for the next few days.

Make sure you bring an extra shirt with you when you get your braces on. They put this thing in your mouth that keeps your mouth wide open for 2 hours. You can't swallow, so you drool all over your bib and shirt.

Make sure you bring a notepad and pen, if the doctor leaves the room to get something and you still have that thing in your mouth because he still putting on your braces, it will

be hard to talk.

Make sure that they give you braces wax (you've probably seen it before, heres a picture:

Click ) They will teach you how to use it. And make sure they give you little insruction sheets in case of emergency. If you lose the wax or need extra, you can by it at a drug store.

Hope I helped!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: Sorry here's a picture of braces wax: Click

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I don't know how to help you..but I can about the color!=D

How bout rainbow?My cousin had it, and it looks adorable!=D

They also feel really uncomfortable in your mouth. I remember when I sat up in the Ortho's chair after having them on, I felt the braces in my mouth & it felt like my teeth were sticking out of my mouth really bad, like my lips had gone all puffy or something. xD They'll feel weird & scratch the inside of your mouth for quite some time, but they give you wax to put on the brackets if this happens. :]
I'm used to my mouth feeling like that, I had an operation on my mouth a year ago, to remove a piece of gum between my two front teeth, that was pushing them apart. My lips did go puffy. XD

Do you know if they will be fixed or removable yet?

I have removeable ones currently and after about 3 more months I will have different fixed ones.

My removeable ones didn't and don't hurt at all except occasionally i feel a slight ache going through my jaw but nothing actually hurts.

Wait, they make removable braces?

Anyhow, braces do hurt. But honestly, they don't hurt bad. After they get adjusted, they will hurt a bit. Just don't eat hard foods or chew on anything. After about a week post-adjustment, they will feel fine. You just need to get used to them..

It's really sore at first (especially if you have to get spacers), but it's really not that bad. I've had to have them for about 2 years. I just got my retainer a few months back. The first couple of weeks will feel like forever. I recommend you stock up on pudding and mashed potatoes. ^__^

Trust me, you'll be over it in no time.

I have them.

They hurt when you first get them on. They hurt after a couple tightens. But for me, they tighten them and they don't hurt a bit :]

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