Xx-Tama-Girl-Beth-xX & rachELiSocOOl's Log!


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Hello everyone! I would just like to say sorry for me not posting in here over Christmas. I was so busy and didn't find the time, a lot happened over Christmas though! :D


Anyway, Emily is doing great! We played loads of games and bought quite a few things from the shop. ;) We do find it hard to earn points though, the games we currently have don't seem to give out that many points, even if we get the maximum... Oh, well. :p


Oh my gosh, I also remember that Emily evolved today! :D You'd never guess what she evolved into! A...

Mametchi! Wow! I have always wanted to be one! I look sooo cool. :lol:

Yeah! They are so cute! I never thought I'd get one, Mametchi's come from really good care, I must've taken care of Emily really well. I am quite proud of myself! :angry:


But then we came across a little problem...

Oh yeah, it was weird. Well, not weird, it's supposed to happen, but to be honest we weren't expecting it! :eek:

Indeedy. Okay, so you guys know we entered some shop codes? One of them was a costume. We put it on, and Emily turned into a panda-looking thing! I panicked [yes, I know] and couldn't get it off. I then discovered it comes off when she goes to sleep... Phew!

Heh, what a relief.

I shall post Emily's stats tomorrow. :)



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Aww how sad! Joe is now 6yrs and Jamie is 2yrs. Joe! Your going to leave me soon arnt you?


Yes, well I'm afraid I am going to leave you. But you should have 1 more day with me. Unless the matchmaker comes tomorrow!


I cant wait for the new baby but i'm gonna miss you!!!! So is jamie because she hasnt got anyone to connect to!


Yeah I will miss you joe!!!


Ohh my! I forgot to tell you all! Jamie has enolved into a Ura Young Memetchi! Well done Jamie! I love memetchis so i've gotta love you!


Aww seriously? Thanks!


Update later just for joe! :mellow:

Yay the matchmaker still hasnt come. I'm excited when she does but then unhappy because I'm gonna miss my lil' joey ninja!


I'll miss you too rachel!


Aww and jamie... Wow shes turned into a Ura violetchi! This character with wings ---> :furawatchi: You look cute jamie!


Thanks rachel.


I hope the matchmaker will come today. If so then I'll update.



I am rachELiSocOOL but in a new account

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