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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Hey guys.

I don't know what to do. I only got 1 or 2 hours of sleep last night, and I'm so tired I'm actually hurting. D:

I kept waking up and couldn't gte comfortable, and my stomahc was really upset. I went into the bathroom three times, and was in there for at least 30mins each. I ended up sleeping in my parent's bed (don't laugh) and even there I couldn't get comfortable and my stomach began hurting more. I took some medicine at like, 2:30 in the morning and then later at 4:30 I REALLY had to use the bathroom again. I tried going back into my room and turning on the TV for comfort, but it didn't help.

I don't think I can go through 6hrs of school today without falling asleep! What do I do? Any suggestions on how to help me stay awake until 4:00 this afternoon? :mametchi:

I suggest you tell your parents how much it hurts. They might be able to help. Try eating brain food like bananas and apples.

how to stay awake? hmmm. Coffee. Drink four Frappachinos. Be sure to eat something when you get home so you dont get a really bad headache.

I was like this too. I threw up after a while, like 4 hours later. You probably Just have a Flu.

I hope your feeling better...

You probably just have the flu, like kk445 said. This has happened before to me except I threw up, but that hasn't happened in over a year.

I don't know how you will be able to stay awake. But you should try taking a warm bath on a night time, along with some hot chocolate, try sleeping with a hot water bottle aswell.

Do you have anything on you're mind? Sometimes that can cause restless sleep.

Hm.. to try and stay awake I would just try to think about alot of things, keeping you're mind focused really helps you to stay awake.

Hm... and maybe you should just say you don't feel well and go home? I'm not sure if you have this, but in our school we have an office. And when you're ill you can go home, but you wait there for you're parents to pick you up.

I hope something works out soon.

I see it has gone two days but if you ever experience this again then I suggest you stay off school.

My suggestion is to simply stay home. I wouldn't go to school if I was sick or hadn't had enough sleep.


Thanks guys. I lost sight of this topic. xP

I had to go to school, and I was basically falling asleep all through class. The teacher even yelled at me because of it, complaining that I wasn't paying attention.

Other then that, I did fine. I'm fully awake and everything. ^_^

Thnaks again.

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