Yay! I might be getting a hamster!


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You can just take out the wheel at night. Oh, and Im so happy for you! I was so excited when I was getting a Black Bear. I recommend them, because they are really cute, and good tempered. I believe they are a type of Syrian? Anyway, Id love to answer any questions of yours if you feel like PMing me. ^-^

You can just take out the wheel at night. Oh, and Im so happy for you! I was so excited when I was getting a Black Bear. I recommend them, because they are really cute, and good tempered. I believe they are a type of Syrian? Anyway, Id love to answer any questions of yours if you feel like PMing me. ^-^
Hm....I never thought of that! :D It's just so simple it would work. The only downside is that hamsters are awake at night, and perhaps she'd like to go for a run? :p Oh well....she'd get exercise during the day. I mean, she has to be awake for part of the day. My cousins hamster is usually sleeping in its nesting place during the day, but there is alot of times that she would play around, run on her wheel, or interact with us. And, even better, I could play with her before bed and in the evening when shes most active.

Thanks Silversakura, and I'm going to PM you as I have a question. :p


Thanks you guys. :p
My dad is very hesitate about letting me get a hamster, and keeps trying to find ways to let me not get one. x.x So, finally, he said that if I cleaned up my room and tried on all my clothes (cause I have so many that I've never touched) then he'll consider it. And thats good enough for me!

Okay, this is what I was thinking for a hamster..

Getting a female, because I've heard from my friends who have hamsters their more good-natured.

To start, I would get a simple hamster cage with only one or two levels and no big and fancy.

There would be a wheel, something to chew, a paper towl roll to play in, and some other toy.

I would remove the woodchips/bedding every week and clean out the poop and pee.

Once a month I would clean the WHOLE cage, using soapy water and a few drops of mild disinfectant.

I'll make sure to put it somewhere where its not too warm or cold.

If the hamster were to keep me or my family up at night, I'd put the cage downstairs at night and up in my bedroom during the day.

I would feed her twice a day, remvoing old food.

I would always keep fresh water out, and changing the water whenever needed.

If I was to go to my trailor (which I do each weekened, but trailor season is ending very quickly) I could leave my hamster with my grandma or somebody I trust.

For the first few weeks I'd handle my hamster with gloves, so incase she gets nervous she won't bite my skin. Once she gets used to me, I can take off the gloves.

I would NEVER intentionally hurt my hamster, or do anything that may hurt it (such as putting her into a sock and swinging her around).

I'd give her daily excercise OUTSIDE her cage (in my room) so I'd shut the door, block off escape areas, and let her run free,

Every once in awhile I'll take her into my backyard and let her have a run om my trampoline (I don't want to risk her eating the grass, because of possible chemicals).

On the trampoline, I wouldn't boucne her, I'd just let her run so she can get some fresh air.

I'd keep her away from my cat so she would never be harmed.

I will be the one buying eveyrthing for her (treats, cage, HER, food, ect.) but if the price ends up being OVER 70$ then I'd ask my parents to pay 10 or 20 dollars.

How does that sound? :D

Just to tell you dont get pine for your bedding or the fluffy bedding. Hamsters can choke. The Only good bedding is Toilet paper. If the swallow it, it isnt harmful.

Just to tell you dont get pine for your bedding or the fluffy bedding. Hamsters can choke. The Only good bedding is Toilet paper. If the swallow it, it isnt harmful.
I know. I'm filling the bottom of her cage with woodchips (not pine of course) and for her bedding unscented toliet paper. :p


Lava Girl, that isnt quite true. However, I suggest the Carefresh type of bedding, because hamsters like building 'nests' for themselves, and my Robo Dwarfs lke making tunnels. I think its easier to clean, too. Woodchips is fine too. Nothing Dusty. Lava Girl, I dont know what you have experienced, but I have never had my hamster choke. Toliet paper is nice to give hammies for nesting material. Dusty and Cream (Dwarfs) loves it.

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Yes thats a Good Idea TG_D. I Would advise you to get woodshavings and not wood chippings Though I dont know why. You should start of with a syrian instead of a dwarf as the are easy to handle and you need a sort big cage for a syrain. I made a mistake when I got my hammies I got dwarfs instead. It was pretty hard to handle but Its easy now. If you do get dwarfs make sure you ask what Gender they our. Never put a female and male together unless your happy to have about 5-15 pups and ask there age too. Do the same with a syrain if you are getting one. I clean my hammies cages once a week and change there water and food once a day. They have to have plenty of toys too and dwarfs need alot of exercising so make sure you get a really good wheel for them to run on. Mine dont use the wheel through out the day so keep it on at night and if there bugging you then move them into another room but if you got pets make sure you close the door. You will also need to handle them 15 mins a day and 10-15mins of exercise in the ball a day. You can get a good wheel and ball from pet shops so look out for them.

Thats all,


Lava Girl, that isnt quite true. However, I suggest the Carefresh type of bedding, because hamsters like building 'nests' for themselves, and my Robo Dwarfs lke making tunnels. I think its easier to clean, too. Woodchips is fine too. Nothing Dusty. Lava Girl, I dont know what you have experienced, but I have never had my hamster choke. Toliet paper is nice to give hammies for nesting material. Dusty and Cream (Dwarfs) loves it.
Actually it is quite true. If hamsters swallow it, it can rap around there tummys and kill them or around there neck.

I am talking about bedding. Not the fluffy stuff. I have found that true too. xD

Guess a hungry hammie would xD

I am talking about bedding. Not the fluffy stuff. I have found that true too. xDGuess a hungry hammie would xD
Yeah. :p I always gave my hammie that bedding and ever since I heard that I throw the stuff away and started using toilet paper. Also its cheap. xD


No cedar bedding either. :mellow: Two times a day for changing the food is a bit much, they really don't eat much. Once a day is fine, if you change it twice, your hamster will likely only eat the "yummy but unhealthy" food like the sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Also, NO plastic in the cage. No plastic toys or anything. They will chew it, and it might get stuck inside them. For the little sleeping house, get a wood one, please. And just absolutely no plastic toys. :mellow: Also - about the wheel - don't get a regular, open bar wheel, get a wire mesh one. And lastly, males are actually more good-tempered than females. o_O The males are lazier and cuddlier, and females are more active. Both make great pets! :D I know you will enjoy your new hamster. Rodents are amazing pets. They're so different from cats and dogs and fish and reptiles. They're friendly enough to hold, they're amusing to watch, and they're just wonderful pets overall. I have had a hamster and now I have a pair of gerbils. While I actually do prefer gerbils, hamsters are really, really fun pets, too. Good luck!

:) Thanks guys!!

I am getting a hamster tonight! YAY!! I don't know what breed yet, but my mom said she doesn't really want a dwarf hamster. The cages aren't as cheap as I expected, but I have a fair amount of money so I'll manage. :) Me and my new hammy will have so much fun!

I'll post pics once he/she gets settled into his/her home.


Hey TG_D!

Glad to hear your getting a hamster, their great compainions, you can tell them anything. xD I always talk to my little Marbley girl when shes up and running on her wheel. My little girl is named Marble, shes a dwarf. She was a gift from my friend before she moved away, and I love her so much! Jewel (previous owner) still comes to visit Marble sometimes.


Thats my Marbley girl. She sweet as could be, never bit a person, never tried to bite a person.

About letting her run loose in your room, try getting an excersize ball, the plastic things that you oput the hamster in so they can run around. My Marbley girl loves it.

(If you haven't noticed ZI call Marble Marbley girl. xD)


:D Thanks guys!!
I am getting a hamster tonight! YAY!! I don't know what breed yet, but my mom said she doesn't really want a dwarf hamster. The cages aren't as cheap as I expected, but I have a fair amount of money so I'll manage. :D Me and my new hammy will have so much fun!

I'll post pics once he/she gets settled into his/her home.

Wow!!! You're making me really excited now!!! :unsure: Anyway, I'm really happy for you! Dont forget leave her for one day to settle in. :furawatchi:


Heres a pic of my hammy,

Click here for him

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Having A hampster Is anamal Cruelty to keep them in a cage and all that all they do is eat sleep and run it must get so boring to be a hampster

Having A hampster Is anamal Cruelty to keep them in a cage and all that all they do is eat sleep and run it must get so boring to be a hampster
Erm....having a pet hamster isn't animal cruelty. o.o

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