Yay she is a adult


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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2004
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Mametchi!!!! Yay!!!! She changed this morning on my connection. I think Mametchis are cute :D

[SIZE=8pt]Gasp. ^^ You are suu lucky. They are so incredibly cute. <3[/SIZE]


I can't wait until mine turns into a teenager. ;/ I've only had Marutchi for a day, and i'm already sick of him. o_O; He just looks boring. ._.; Soon, though, Kiko shall changgge..

congratualtions! wasit ahrd getting a memetchi? i tried to get one and i took perfect care of my ichigothci except 4 that one day when i forgot to take her to school with me. .. when i came back, she already evovled into an kuchipatchi. . (i was hoping 4 a mametchi or mimithci. .. but she still looks cute. .. )! :eek:

It wasn't too hard I got a Mametchi by filling her training bar to a 100%. Because some hearts did drop while she was stil was a Ichigothci :ph34r: Just fill up the training bar :D

Yeah congrats on it. Ive been trying to get 1 for ages but it doesnt seem to happen.

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