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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2007
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I got my tooth pulled! It didn't hurt when they did it, but now it does and it feels nuuumb...

Don't be. I waited and waited and then she goes "All done!" and I am like "Aren't ya gonna pull it?" and she had done it. LOL you don't feel it. The only part that hurts is the numbing cause it pinches to put it in. That it. And it hurts a little after.


Yeah I had my wisdom tooth pulled and apparently it was so easy to get out that I didn't need painkillers afterwards.

Also if it didn't hurt, then why is this topic labelled a sound that symbolizes one being in agony? I don't know, I just found this rather funny :eek:

I had to get a filling in the back of my mouth. They gave me a numbing shot, but it had to go through muscle before it got to my nerve! Youuucchhhh! Then, I got a baby tooth pulled, but the shot didn't hurt near as bad and I didn't feel it when they pulled it.




I never got any of my teeth pulled. :) Even when I had loose teeth, I never wanted to pull them.

Oh, maybe I did. This mean dentist's assistant lady said it wasn't her fault when she whipped out my loose tooth with floss. XD


Ouch!! XP yes, getting your tooth or teeth, pulled can be kind of scary and wierd feeling

^_^ the first time I got my teeth pulled was when I was 5. They put me to sleep and when I woke up it was done so fast! But one of teeth that was pulled was the wrong one :eek: grrr. I don't really remember what they did about it though.

but it's nice to get it over with :)

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