yo! trying to get back into tamagotchi.


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Jul 30, 2016
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hiya! im weeb. and like the title says, i'm trying to get back into tamagotchi. i currently have no tamagotchi, and ever since i dropped my Music Star into chicken soup i sort of... stopped. but i still love tamagotchi and am looking forward to getting another very soon.

i love to draw, watch anime and cartoons and all that good stuff. i'd love to be friends with you all.

Welcome to the little part of this ungodly hell we call the internet, fellow weeb. If you like drawing and anime, you're probably gonna fit in here! Watch your step, and never be scared to ask anyone anything! :lol:

Hiya! Welcome to Tamatalk! I hope you enjoy your stay at this website. I'm a fellow anime and manga fan too, so if you wanna talk to me, don't be afraid to ask! :3

Welcome back! I returned recently, myself. I actually purchased a Tama 4U as my very first "modern" Tama that's in colour. I'm finding it on the interesting side, and not too needy, so I don't feel pressured to check on it every other minute. Tama 4U seems to have some pretty mixed reviews, some opinions place it as boring, others see it as perfect for busier people. With the hype on the Tama Mix that was just released, I'm being an observer for now. The Mix is interesting, yet I feel it has too many features on it to keep up with. I have a Tama Chibi on the way soon, and a Tamagezi, which is basically a Chinese knock-off that seems to be very well liked for all that. We'll see where things go from here.

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