Yooouuuu aarrrreee a TAMAGOTCHI...


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"D: Yup, it was an unusual feeling while I was playing this!" Lovelitchi screamed "We're gonna dieeeeeeee, everyone push the school building..."

"DAI DAI DAI DAI DAISUKI! TA TA TA TA TAMATOMO!" Uwasatchi sings, and then transforms into a robot Himespetchi with hearts in her eyes from looking at Mametchi. "TRANSFORMERS, ROBOTS IN THE SKIES!" :huh:

Kuchipatchi giggles and claps his hands. "YAY! Wanna play with robot!" he says like a little kid, and tries to get Robot HImespetchi/Uwasatchi to play catch with him.

Kuchipatchi's mouth goes like this: =O "I'M IN THE BACK? NOT WEARING MY DINOSAUR COSTUME???!!" he screams.

Lovelitchi Laughs Evilly. She had scribbled all of them out to get more popularity "HA!" She groaned.

Uwasatchi gets angry that Lovelitchi is da new mascot.

"MAMETCHI IS BETTER DAN YOU, LOVELITCHI!" she shouts, and then marries Mametchi. "WHO WANTS TO COME TO DA WEDDING?!"

Lovelitchi turns into Memetchi and says "There happy now?!" Then the Memetchi goes to fight with Makiko about her curls..

Tamagotchi: Kuromametchi

Looks like: <------ look were the arrows pointing! :D

Personality: Funny, Nice, Caring

Other: none o3o

Memetchi casually goes into Kuromametchi's kitchen and opens a cabinet. She sees a tasty potato in it (this is the potato that Uwasatchi turns into). "I love potatoes! I'm sure Kuro won't mind if I grab this, he probably dosen't need it!" So she eats the potato up. "Yum, that was the most tastiest potato! I'm gonna get more from a shop, but I gotta ask Kuro where he got these from!" She went home carrying a basket. "Home from school?" Memetchi's Mother said.

"Yeah , but I don't FEEL very well, ever since I ate this potato."

(Just a note to say that the character Kuromametchi is already taken by user kuromametchibeast, but since he has been inactive for a while, it is okay for lovetchi to role play as him now)

Uwasatchi-potato was inside Memetchi's tummy! OH NO! She started punching Memetchi's insides, trying to get out.

"Ow....OW....OW....OWW!!! OWWWWWWWWWW!!" Memetchi screamed as she felt the punches in her stomach "I know, I'll lay down!" she said, and laid down on the bed "Ah, much better!"

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