You all have personality disorders.


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Paranoid |||||||||||| 42%

Schizoid |||||||||||||||||| 74%

Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 70%

Antisocial |||||||||||||| 54%

Borderline |||||||||||||||||| 74%

Histrionic |||||| 30%

Narcissistic |||| 18%

Avoidant |||||||||||| 46%

Dependent |||||||||||| 42%

Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 34%

Yyyyyyep. That's very accurate.

Paranoid 70%

Schizoid 58%

Schizotypal 54%

Antisocial 38%

Borderline 66%

Histrionic 26%

Narcissistic 26%

Avoidant 30%

Dependent 62%

Obsessive-Compulsive 42%

I can't tell what's good and what's bad..

Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||| 82%

Schizoid |||||||||| 34%

Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 90%

Antisocial |||||||||||||| 58%

Borderline |||||||||||||||||| 74%

Histrionic |||||||||||||||||||| 82%

Narcissistic |||||||||| 34%

Avoidant |||||||||| 38%

Dependent |||||||||||||||||| 78%

Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 42%




Paranoid 54%

Schizoid 42%

Schizotypal 58%

Antisocial 42%

Borderline 34%

Histrionic 46%

Narcissistic 46%

Avoidant 26%

Dependent 54%

Obsessive-Compulsive 50%

Oh, this'll be fun. >:]

Paranoid |||||||||||||||||| 78%

Schizoid |||||||||||||||||||| 82%

Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 82%

Antisocial |||||||||||| 46%

Borderline |||||||||||||||||| 74%

Histrionic |||||||||||| 42%

Narcissistic |||||| 22%

Avoidant |||||||||||||| 54%

Dependent |||||||||||||| 54%

Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 54%

.......I'm strange. D:

What's up with my high scores for the "schiz" things? D: I thought schizophrenia was seeing things that weren't there. o_O

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Paranoid 70%

Schizoid 58%

Schizotypal 82%

Antisocial 38%

Borderline 82%

Histrionic 78%

Narcissistic 46%

Avoidant 86%

Dependent 66%

Obsessive-Compulsive 66%

Paranoid 54%

Schizoid 30%

Schizotypal 62%

Antisocial 50%

Borderline 42%

Histrionic 54%

Narcissistic 50%

Avoidant 34%

Dependent 34%

Obsessive-Compulsive 34%

Hmm... okay.

Paranoid ; 87%

Schizoid ; 66%

Schizotypal ; 62%

Antisocial ; 62%

Borderline ; 62%

Histrionic ; 38%

Narcissistic ; 50%

Avoidant ; 42%

Dependent ; 30%

Obsessive-Compulsive ; 50%

Pretty accurate, over-all. Ha.


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Paranoid 90%

Schizoid 53%

Schizotypal 62%

Antisocial 46%

Borderline 74%

Histrionic 90%

Narcissistic 38%

Avoidant 22%

Dependent 82%

Obsessive-Compulsive 70%

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Paranoid 46%

Schizoid 78%

Schizotypal 82%

Antisocial 62%

Borderline 50%

Histrionic 42%

Narcissistic 54%

Avoidant 66%

Dependent 34%

Obsessive-Compulsive 26%

I'm not very social in RL. :3

Paranoid 78%

Schizoid 54%

Schizotypal 78%

Antisocial 58%

Borderline 90%

Histrionic 74%

Narcissistic 18%

Avoidant 54%

Dependent 74%

Obsessive-Compulsive 70%


Paranoid 58%

Schizoid 22%

Schizotypal 62%

Antisocial 46%

Borderline 46%

Histrionic 70%

Narcissistic 58%

Avoidant 42%

Dependent 38%

Obsessive-Compulsive 54%

Paranoid 62%

Schizoid 30%

Schizotypal 58%

Antisocial 78%

Borderline 70%

Histrionic 90%

Narcissistic 18%

Avoidant 34%

Dependent 50%

Obsessive-Compulsive 42%


Paranoid 54%

Schizoid 62%

Schizotypal 46%

Antisocial 54%

Borderline 70%

Histrionic 54%

Narcissistic 50%

Avoidant 50%

Dependent 62%

Obsessive-Compulsive 66%

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Paranoid 74%

Schizoid 78%

Schizotypal 62%

Antisocial 34%

Borderline 78%

Histrionic 62%

Narcissistic 38%

Avoidant 42%

Dependent 78%

Obsessive-Compulsive 66%

What is this I don't even....

LOL I was actually surprised by this

Paranoid- 78%

Schizoid- 42%

Schizotypal- 30%

Antisocial- 34%

Borderline- 26%

Histrionic- 42%

Narcissistic- 58%

Avoidant- 46%

Dependent- 14%

Obsessive-Compulsive- 34%

Paranoid |||||||||||| 46% 49%

Schizoid |||||||||||||||||| 78% 53%

Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 90% 53%

Antisocial |||||||||||| 46% 47%

Borderline |||||| 26% 47%

Histrionic |||||||||||| 46% 43%

Narcissistic |||||| 30% 41%

Avoidant |||||| 30% 39%

Dependent |||||||||||||||||||| 82% 37%

Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 38% 40%

Paranoid |||||||||| 38% 49%

Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 62% 53%

Schizotypal |||||||||||| 46% 53%

Antisocial |||||||||||||||| 70% 47%

Borderline || 10% 47%

Histrionic |||||| 26% 43%

Narcissistic |||||||||||||||| 66% 41%

Avoidant || 10% 39%

Dependent |||||| 30% 37%

Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 50% 40%

Paranoid 50%

Schizoid 46%

Schizotypal 90%

Antisocial 54%

Borderline 38%

Histrionic 26%

Narcissistic 46%

Avoidant 26%

Dependent 42%

Obsessive-Compulsive 38%

The number 42 is stalking me! D:

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