You Are What You Eat?


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Aubrey Hepburn

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
Kansas, U.S.A.
The thought occurred to me this morning that I haven't seen a topic about this yet. On a V3, we've all noticed that in both the "meal" and "snack" categories we have four very different choices of what to feed our Tamas. I've been experimenting with the idea that our food choices could help determine which character we get. So far, this is what I've seen.

I fed my first Tama a good mix of all the foods and snacks, and I got a Tamatchi, Obotchi, then Memetchi.

My second Tama ate lots of Sushi and Pudding, and I got a Tamatchi, Obotchi, then Tarakotchi.

My third Tama has been eating lots of ice cream and scones, and I have the pointy headed child with feet. lol

My fourth Tama has been eating almost exclusively cereal and apples, and it is the child stage with a mohawk hairdo.

Now, the food choices may just be there to give us more variety(which I like), but I wonder if maybe it has some effect on our characters?? If you have a thought on this, please share it here! I'm really interested in knowing what everyone else has seen! <_<

* Moved to What's On Your Mind? forum *

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Woops, wrong forum. Where has my mind been at today?? :ph34r:

I am wondering if it does help to feed them a variety of foods. The pointy headed child just turned into the teen with wings....was it called Patapatachi? I will check on that. Not the best teen, and it eats a very limited diet. Hmm. Any more thoughts on this, anyone? :)

I fed mine a lot of Sushi and Tart and I got a Mimitchi! :ph34r:

- Roxy

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