you know you're obsessed when...


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When you have teamed up with your Tamas to go forward on a plot that will topple mankind and make electronic creatures the Earth's dominate species. Which we are totally not doing. You didn't hear anything. NINJA VANISH!

When you have 170 of them and ur living in ur moms basement dusting and watching them. ;) not guilty. Sorry to get a tiny bit ackward :eek:

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When you name your tama after yourself (or you use your nickname because there's not enough room for your full name) and you try to rasie your favorite character.

You say you hate a certain tamagotchi version but then you start playing it because your bored. Then you love it again and you say your sorry to it.

When your tama goes to sleep, you can't help but start up another one.

I do all of this. :D

You instantly stopped playing anything else when you got your first Tama

You are prepared to stay up until midnight to see your Tama evolve or whatever

You have to check your Tama regularly or something that hasn't happened yet but isn't good happens

You are already trying to figure out a way of sneaking your Tama on a school trip even though there are no upcoming trips

You think about your Tama 24/7, including night, when you dream about Tamas

You create a Tama character resembling you (mine doesn't resemble me, or so I hope)

I've done them all...WITH TINY TOWER! :D I'm AT LEAST ten times more obsessed with that than I ever was with Tamas.

When all you do is making photos of your pets, posting them on tumblr, making new crochet covers for them and checking all tamagotchi forums you know every 5 minutes...

-When you alter your sleep schedule to coincide with when your pet sleeps/wakes.

When you watch your baby sleep to make sure it won't need anything in the middle of the night. (Even if it's just the Z you're watching)

When you take your Tamagotchi with you while dumping to earn money for something you want to buy. :p

When you sleep with a Tama. I do this. I have to use a wedge pillow to sleep on so I can breathe better. With the way I sleep I can comfortably tuck my P's on my shoulder while I sleep. Although last night I fell asleep with him clutched in my hand. My P's has replaced my Furby as my sleeping buddy.

When you start saying Tama-related words randomly in conversations about other stuff. That happened to me recently but with Pocket Planes. "You can't put frozen chips in an airport, I mean car park, and expect them to stay frozen."

Hmm. For me, it would be:

-Showing my Tamas to anyone who will listen (though they most likely don't care whatsoever)

-Petting the cases

-Positioning them so they can "watch" TV with me

-Keeping them by my side 24/7...even at work

-Smiling like a maniac whenever they do something adorable (which, is...all the time)

-Clipping all of them to my purse. All of them.

-Scouring Ebay non-stop just in case a good Tama deal pops up

-Trying to feed all my Tamas a "balanced" diet

Those are all the ones I'm guilty of. Sad, but true.

When you always look at the clock on your Tamagotchi even though there is clocks and watches and phones and you look to see if your tama needs anything while you are there. :)

When you apologize to it after accidentally dropping it

When you put it in a plastic container so you can keep an eye on it in the shower

When you wake up with it in your hand and it certainly wasn't there when you fell asleep

When you cry because it's due to leave that night

When you freak out because you got an 'average care' character

I admit it, I've done all of these. :p

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