you know you're obsessed when...


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You know you're obsessed when you wake up at 1 AM on a daily basis, worried that your Tama might need something.

you know you're too obsessed when:

tamagotchis are everywhere in your house

your boyfriend/girlfriend asks you to get a six pack of beer but you come back with batteries for your tama instead

you move out of your house when your parents reject your tamas

When you some-how manage to spend 3 hours on tamatalk, only realizing that you did when its 1am...

When you take your tamas to school, and ask teachers over and over again to go-to the bathroom, only to be playing / caring for your tamas! :lol:

Whenever you hear a beep you reach into your pocket, even though half the beeps are in your head... :eek:

When you draw tamas on your notes / tests! ;)

When you draw Mametchi faces on your burgers with ketchup / mustard! :lol:

When you study the growth charts to know how to get the character/family you want

When you buy a few matching lanyards for each of your Tamas in case the first lanyard gets dirty or damaged

When you try and get maching lanyards for your Tamas

When you have a tiny heart attack when you accidentally pull your Tama out of your pocket and it almost falls out

When you check your Tama's screen for scratches every time you carried it in your handbag/pocket

When you make bead charms for your Tamas

When you buy a keychain just cause its colors match one of your Tamas

When you make bracelets that match your Tamas' shells

When you cry yourself to sleep cause you opened a Tama and broke the sound cords* (i succeeded to change a v4 background without damaging anything, but if i did i would be very mad at myself for sure)

When you come back home from a walk (during which you had earphones in your ears and you listened to music) and you had a Tama with you and it evolved without you noticing and you notice it at home and you're very surprised to see it evolved to the character you wanted and you think ' omg! What happened here?'

*ones I Didnt have

When they sleep next to you on your bed.

When you secretly try to make everyone get into tamagotchi.

When you wake up at 3AM and check on them even though you know they are asleep.

You check EVERY FREAKING MINUTE if you can (specially if you are trainning them).

You use money ment for something else but buy tama stuff instead.

You open up a tama to fix a button even though you suck at fixing electronic devices because not only it is your oldest tama, but also you know that you will end up buying that same version again if it doesn't work. (And you can't afford it).

They are with you wherever you go.

When yu spend DAYS reaseraching tamagotchi related articles and videos.

I do all this and more xD.

It's nice to know I am not alone ^^

When there's a cyclone warning and instead of packing food, clothes, your computer, etc, you pack as much Tamagotchi stuff as you can... (this actually happened a while back XD)

When you feel like you got stabbed in the heart, because the previous tamagotchi owner didn't treat the tama well (lots of scratches BOO :( )

When you find the need to paste a screen protector on every single tamagotchi, even if they were used

When you spend too much time thinking about tamagotchi, while neglecting everything else.........

When you were more scared of the tamagotchi anime ending then you would be about the world ending!

When you find out you have money in your amazon account and the first thing you do is buy an ID L!

When you try to create an ENTIRE new version of tamagotchi, with all original characters!

When your lockscreen for your phone is tama-gotchi!

When Tama-Talk is the first website you check when you get home from school!

When you get a teacher into tamagotchi's!

When you play with your tamagotchi's in stores, even when you're checking out!

When the first Tama-Go figurines you got were Mametchi, Memetchi, and Kuchipatchi! :newmametchi: :) :lol:

When you dream about Tamagotchi being real!

When you talk about tama's to ANYONE. Even people you dont even know...

When you would rather feed your tama's before yourself!

When you check your tama's every 5 seconds, even though you know you just fed it.

When you join a forum about tamagotchi 0-0!

When you're so excited about your ID L coming, that you check the mail every day, even though you know its supposed to come in A MONTH!

When you spend 15 minutes making a list about the true way's you're obsessed with Tamagotchi!

When you have to set your phone alarm to the tamagotchi alert noise because that is the only sound that instantly wakes you up.

When you purchase a new shirt just because it has a lot of places to clip tamas.

When you have vivid dreams about finding a tamagotchi at Goodwill or a yard sale.

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