you know you're obsessed when...


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When you want a display shelf for your tamas because they're so cute but they're closed away in a drawer instead :c

When your parents frown when they hear the word "tamagotchi"

When you have your favorite version and you're willing to exchange one of your first connection tamas for a well made crochet case for your favorite tama ever

When you print out Kuchipatchis and/or Kuromametchis to stick them on your phone

When you ask for a permit for him to enter "no pet" areas, even though you just managed to get one for yourself... I'm a dog, remember?

When you talk to him like another dog (more than other dogs).

When you apologize to him for letting his hunger reach 3/5.

When you get offended when someone asks why you don't have a real pet (1. I do, 2. I'm a dog so I can't get a dog, and 3. EGG IS A REAL PET.)

When you comfort him by pressing C repeatedly when he goes to the park and no one's there.

When you throw a legit birthday party for him. Every Tamagotchi year. Not human years.

When you try to pause your real pets.

When you lie awake at night, wondering if getting every character is really worth the neglect. (And then you decide of course it is and go on your merry way)

When you visit the page where TamaTown used to be every day, even though you know it's probably never coming back and your childhood is dead. :unsure:

I actually stay up late watching my Tamagotchi sleep. I feel like a stalker.

I also freak out whenever I realize that it popped and I didn't send it to the toliet. Ususally I let out this high pitched moan-scream whenever I realize that.

When you take an old camera bag and line one of the pockets with cotton balls and cloth so you Tamas have a nice place to sleep~

When you fill the rest of the bag's pockets with 10 sets of spare batteries and 3 small screwdrivers and three bags of rice in case you drop your Tamas in the toilet.

When over the years you've collected 13 tamagotchis.

When everybody in my old class used to groan when I announced I got a new Tamagotchi.

When the teacher got so annoyed she spoke to your mum about banning them.

When you beg for a Tamagotchi with a rip off price of $95 AU.

When you take a hiatus and realize how long you've been neglecting your babies.

When you take deep consideration of where your tamas will be displayed when you rearrange/redecorate your room

When you're visiting websites that haven't been updated since 2000 to get more information on vintage Tamagotchis and other virtual pets. :lol:

Your parents basically can tell when you have a Tamagotchi on you

You buy any new Tamagotchi when it comes out (Maybe even preorder)

You go online and specifically buy charms from other franchises (anime, cartoons, whatev) for your Tama's

You actually say goodnight to your Tama's

You've never dropped a single Tama

You've never once broke a Tama

You've never once lost a Tama

Make an eBay account specifically to buy Tamas

You doodle Tamas

You bring your currently running Tama everywhere inside of a pouch/case

You keep a cradle/beanbag in your locker at school (along with a screwdriver/batteries) so you can have them at school :babytchi:

You try to make celebrations for your Tama's (buy them special things in shops, buy them special items/food)

Whenever you are expecting a new Tama in the mail you purchase it with something else so your parents don't think you're obsessed

When you get a new Tama you make sure to have a prepared charm, case, and cradle

And, thats all for now! :puroperatchi:

When you have to buy a new phone and you look for one that will be compatible with Mr. Blinky's app. And prays for it to work after all the trouble.

When you have dreams about getting one in the mail and your phone and it can communicate through the app.... or when you make them bean bag donuts to sit in so you can see them easily no matter how you sit on your bed, when you feel guilty about pausing them, when you have nearly every type of connection released in north america (I'm missing 3 but 2 dont really cound as the v4 and v4.5 are pretty much the same thing) and you have (including those in the mail) at least one of each model of the colours released (4U and the 4U plus are really the same thing so thats counting as 1) when you make plans to run a single tama for a year and have made it past 100 days and still have no signs of backing down

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