You look like Blake Lewis =0


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At the Provincials, me and some frineds were watching the Atom B team play in the bronze medal game. This guy spilled his fries on the ice, and it was so funny because Nikki was like "Geez! That moron! How do you manage to spill your fries on the ice! And it's a guy wearing skinny jeans! How gross is that?" And the guy looked excatly liek Pete Wentz. He even DRESSED like PEte Wentz


^If it was him...-twitch-


I know.

I was like "He looks like Pete Wentz...o.o" To my friends and they just gave me a creepy look and kept watching the hockey game. xDD I was gonna go over and be like "OMG! ARE YOU PETE WENTZ?!" But he left D:

Once I was in the car, and then I looked to the left, and someone looked EXACTLY like Carrie Underwood, and she was driving a red Ford mobile. But she had sunglasses on, and she was all smiling and stuff. For some reason it didn't look like she was concentrating on the road. xD

Oh! One time my aunt saw a bunch of photographers and a kid who looked like Harry Potter in times square. Maybe she saw Daniel Radcliffe? o:

Oh! One time my aunt saw a bunch of photographers and a kid who looked like Harry Potter in times square. Maybe she saw Daniel Radcliffe? o:
I saw a guy who looked like Harry Potter on TV once. He was a magazine guy. I forget. Magazine something. xD

Today I saw a guy who looked like Blake Lewis but a bit shorter.Then I saw a lady who looked like Queen Latifah.

Then I saw a kid about my age with Sasuke hair.


Do you ever see people and your thinking,

You look like _____! ?


Just curious. x3
SASUKE HAIR?! Where??? [/fangirling] lol My cousin Zach looks like Orlando Bloom. OO I saw some random guy that looked like Jesse McCartney when we were in Mexico 3 years ago. I once saw this guy that looked EXACTLY like Itachi Uchiha. I also saw someone who looked like Ellen Page at the mall.

Yea. Some people say I look like Jamie Lynn Spears. I hope that's a good thing.
I think Jamie Lynn Spears is pretty. :3


One person told me I look like Miley Cyrus a month ago...

they meant it to. The funny thing is I don't look a thing like her (at least I don't think so).


I used to look sort of like Amanda Bynes, people would tell me that (I couldn't really didn't disagree with them either). x;D

Is that a good thing? ._.?

^ That's kinda creepy xDDD

When I went to a Toronto Maple Leafs game, the person behind me looked like Smosh o__o

and the people in front of me spent like $40 on beer xDDDD

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