Young Adult Girls!


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Ha! That like the other day. I went bra shopping and I saw one really goreous bra that looked about my size [10B] and I went over to see what size it was and it claimed to be a 12D and I tried it on and it was rather tight. I'm all like WTC? I wanted it so I could be like 'Yeah. I'm a D!' but is was super expensive.
xDDD Michelle! LOL!

^ Same here. I have 3. But one of the straps completely busted off on one of them. XD I need to ask my mom if we can go bra shoppin'. xD

i love getting bras with designs on them, coz even my boobs need style. i might need new ones soon...i'm verging on 38B../:

I need a new bra.

My breasts.. grew. So now my bra is like too small. I have a 34A on.

lol i wear a bra and this girl in my class she is a class clown when she noticed i was like wearing a bra she yelled "Woah Ashley got some big boobs!" and then every guy went to look at me so my bestfriend nicole helped me and protecting me from some guyz eyes on my boobs it was soo imbarissing


I can't stand having big boobs. >.<

I'm a size 34D.

I can't stand it.

All my bras are starting to get tight, not snug, but tight. >_>

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I wear one.

I'm a 34B.

I think I first got one when I was in fourth grade, so I was 10.

I'd prefer it if I didn't have to wear one honestly.

I've just never gotten used to the feeling of having something pressing into you when you take a deep breath.

I got new bras the other day 8D

Like, I normally got 34As from the kiddie section, but I went to the adult section the other day because I desperately needed bigger bras, and they have 34As, but they are soooo much bigger than the 34As in the kid's section. Wth? I thought I was ready for a B, but apparently not.

Anyway, I got one that is leopard print with lime green lace and bright purple elastic 8D

And I got another one that is bright pink with a black inside with black accents :3

I think I can wear a 32, but the cups are usually a little on the small side.

Maybe when I move up to a full B cup, I'll move back down to 32 XD

^ I though my B's were annoying.They get in the way of sport. Thank lord for sports bras.
Oh my god. I wish I had B's again.

D's are NOTHING compared to B's.

I miss my B size. >_>

My bras are all 32A, or a 34A, I can't remember.

They fit me nicely, although they are getting a little snug.

I envy Katie's exciting new bras. xD

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