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Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
New York
If there were ANY tamagotchi versions I didn't list, but was your 1ST tamagotchi, then reply and explain. I also want you to include the name and gender(if you remember;this choice is optional). My 1ST tamagotchi was:

version: 3

gender: boy

name: Archie

what is was when it was an adult: Memetchi :furawatchi:

this also explains my total love for memetchis! <3 (heart)

=) PyroMeme1408

I had a version 2


name:IA ( originally his name would be Ian but I made a mistake :furawatchi:

Adult: The whale

I remember back in the 90s when they came out I didnt have a Tama. I had nanopets, dinki dinos.. and a gigapet. It wasn't until the v1s came out that I was all over Tamas. It was funny because I had been thinking to myself for a few months how much I wanted one and one day I was at the mall and there they were!

My first Tamagotchi was a black and orange P2.

i had a v1, i still hav it! i cant remember its name or didnt live very long unfortunaetly because i didnt know what to do with a tamagotchi! :furawatchi:

My first Tamagotchi-

Name: Ember

Growth: Shirobebitchi -> Marutchi -> Ichigotchi -> Mametchi

Child: Girl, Renee the Robotchi

Gender: Girl

Version: Tamagotchi Connexion version 1

My first Tama was a V3, but it's broken now. :p

Gender: Boy

Name: Annie (short for Anakin)

Character: Teletchi, Tamatchi, Obotchi, Mametchi

My first tamagotchi, was one from 1996. I still have it, but it won't work anymore and the back is missing. I was only 5, so I called it Space doggy, all the time, cause that's what it looked like to me.

Oh boy lol my first tamagotchi thats a tough one

i was 9 when i got my first one

version.. not sure but i remember it turning into a dinasour alot and other stuff

gender: boy

(If any of you guys know what version could be that type of tamagotchi i would love to know lol

it was a yellow colored tamagotchi)





He was such a good little boy......*sniff* I MISS HIM!!!!!!!


V3 Orange w/ Zebra Stipes

Name: Vira

Evolutions: Teletchi > Mizutamatchi > Nikatchi > Kurokotchi

Yes.. I can remember that. Yet somehow I can't remember any of my other ones ;) She was special.

:hitodetchi: TG4E

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