Your almost at death stories.


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One time I was at lunch and I started choking on a pretzel. I failed at doing the universal choking sign, and luckily I stopped choking. I yelled at my friends for not noticing I was choking, and they told me I was doing the wrong sign and laughed at me. o_o

When I was still at school(now I'm home-schooled), which is really long ago(I can't remember how old I was, but I know I didn't know how to read yet, I probably was between 3 and 5).

Anyway, we went every so many days(every week?) to swim in the public indoor swimming pool. I couldn't swim so I always just stayed in the undeep part.

Then somehow I ended up under water. I remember still feeling incapable of doing anything and thinking that that was it and I could do nothing to prevent myself from drowning, which was happening.

The next thing I remember is that a fellow "student" pulled me out of the water to tell me something the teacher had said(not to save me, since it probably wasn't obvious to anyone I was drowning since I remained calm).

Anyway, God really had mercy on me. I was an innocent child back then and it shows how much God really loved me.

When I was like 6 we drove to this place called Pine Mountain Lake, an my grandpa took my bike out of the car. I wasnt really good at riding it at the time but i got on and accidentally sped down a hill. The road was just down the hill but luckily there was a rock and the bike flipped over. All I had was a few scratches on the elbow and a big bump on my head after. Im really glad the rock was there so I didnt go onto the road and possibly get run over.

Oh, and this other time in Pine Mountain Lake we were swimming and I wanted to go to the deep part of the lake to the floating dock thingy but the girl I was hanging out with didnt know how to swim. So I thought it would be a great idea to have her go on my back so we could swim together. Well, long story short we both drowned. Luckily everyone's still ok. (I was like 8)

And this OTHER time i was at a waterpark and i went in this thing where you can rent a floatie or you can just swim around, i dove under the water but I couldnt come up because someone who had a floatie was blocking my way to get up. I had to push the person off so I could breathe. I remember seeing stars :eek: (last year)

I haven't had any near-death stuff happen to me yet besides that me,my mom, my cousin and my aunt almost got hit by a speeding car on an intersection, but that happened at least 8 years ago...oh and I choked on an ice cube when I was 3 but it melted. xD

My friend told me that she went to a Water Park when she was 6 and was on those big slides, the first time she tried to go on the slide she went out backwards, but the 2nd time she was only at the middle when some fat guy slammed into her and dragged her underwater. She didn't drown but got would think that they would tell once the people got to the bottom...but nope! :angry: That's why I don't like going on big water slides.

I'm not sure if this counts, but when I was 8 I swallowed a watch battery. When I asked my parents what happens if you swallow a battery they told me you die. So I went about a fortnight thinking I was going to die. :rolleyes:

I also once went too deep in a pool and had a hard time getting out. Nobody noticed me struggling. :(

Then there was the time I didn't chew my sandwich properly before swallowing and it got stuck in my throat... :p

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--4th grade--

Friend: hey, there's a monster in my attic

Me: you sure? my dad's sorta out of town
Friend: lol. come check it out with me; I'm scared :c

Me: Sure thing--be right over

--A 10 minute walk later--

Me: alright, here goes

*we climb up the ladder*
--15 minutes and one raccoon later--

Friend: huh. so it was just a cat
Me: a racoon
Friend:'s called a cat
Me: ...whatever. hey, how can you be sure we won't fall through?
Friend: my dad brought three huge African dudes here once

Me: uh--

*We fall a few meters through the ceiling and manage not to break any bones*

I did get a cut on my ankle. Didn't even feel it.
Still have the scar.

(we didn't understand the concept of sheetrock)

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