Your "Big Holiday Gift"


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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2007
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Candyland~ :D
SO what were your big gifts?

Mine were an HP computer and a 2,350 peice art set!!


I was happy this morning. . .

So, what were yours?

BTW, I'm on my new computer right now :furawatchi:

^ Cool. I always ask for a laptop, but my parents deny me everytime. They're afraid I'll look at porn or something, and never sleep. x3

I got an electric guitar and an amp. I love it. <3

And my brother got Guitar Hero World Tour for our Wii as his "big gift." But I play it. Kekekekeh. >:3

And my brother got Guitar Hero World Tour for our Wii as his "big gift." But I play it. Kekekekeh. >:3

I want that game soooooooo bad, but my mom won't buy it.

SHe didn't know you didn't have to have the guitar O_O

^ Yeah, lol. It's just a plastic guitar with buttons on it. It came with the drum set and the microphone. The mic is actually really fun. I can't sing at all, but I had a good time with it.

But I do love my actual guitar very much. <3

Most Definitely MY NEW CELL PHONE!!!!!! It's my very first cell phone I've EVER had! When I took it out of my stocking,I just looked at it and screamed. XD lol It's a black Env from verizon and i named it cara!~ My ringtone is "Single Ladies" By Beyonce' So, I had TONS of fun thnis morning! ^.^

My new disgustingly pink digital camera<3

My white sunglasses<3

I got some other big gifts but it was probably those two at the top are the biggest

*cant stop messing with her digital camera*

Lots of people got one this year. Liek, 4 of my friends did 0.o now all of you ._.

I got a canon camera, which is probably my favorite gift.

And I also got the Dragonfly from WowWee's flytech.


Those are my two "Big" gifts.

For sure my iPod Touch 16G and the speakers I got to plug it in to. Also my mom got me a really nice leather jacket, and my grandparents got me a Wii Fit. I still can't believe how neat these iPod's are, I'm using it right now :3

A guitar, a drum kit(and sticks), $90 ticket to see FOB, table tennis table and a new camera.

I actually got the guitar at the start of November for a party that my band and I played.

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