Your Dream Tamagotchi


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June 2008 Contest Winner
May 24, 2008
Reaction score
Washington, USA
What would be your dream tamagotchi?

My dream tamagotchi:

You can have 1, 2, or 3 eggs.

Here are the icons that would be on mine.

Meter-hungry and happy

skill points


What kind on tama you have



Food-Meals, Snacks, and Special foods


Games-games, items, souvenir, passwords.

Connection-connect with others, work, pc

Training-praise, discipline


TV-Shopping channel, dating channel, and travel

Book-friend,present, family


My tamagotchi could connect with any version.

What would your tamagotchi be like?

Aww, That'd be a cool tama.

Im only adding a few things. Like,

Internet on your tama,

Bigger + color,

Your Tama can understand what you say,

You can have more than 1 tama,

Tama's are not as pixel + bigger,

What kind of Tama you have,

I can't think of anything else. :)

I'd really like wireless Internet access but considering the Tamagotchi's technological advancements compared to a DSi, or any other pocket gadget that's capable of accessing wireless Internet, I'd say it's not something we're going to be seeing for a few more years. :s

In grade five I had this awesome idea~ But some of yours are pretty awesome and much better then mine.

I'd love a full color Tamagotchi, and all the Tamagotchi characters are on it. Another thing is like how the Tamagotchi Color has a house and stuff I'd also like that feature. And for connecting I'd love it if you could connect with someone far away maybe with wifi? And one other thing is it'd be cool if like your Tama could tell you how its feeling by having a speech bubble or actually talking to you with its own voice...

Don't mind my lame ideas, grade five was somewhat awhile ago...

In grade five I had this awesome idea~ But some of yours are pretty awesome and much better then mine.
I'd love a full color Tamagotchi, and all the Tamagotchi characters are on it. Another thing is like how the Tamagotchi Color has a house and stuff I'd also like that feature. And for connecting I'd love it if you could connect with someone far away maybe with wifi? And one other thing is it'd be cool if like your Tama could tell you how its feeling by having a speech bubble or actually talking to you with its own voice...

Don't mind my lame ideas, grade five was somewhat awhile ago...
I like the character idea.

The TMGC+C would be so much better if it had more characters. :(

Connecting worldwide is also a pretty cool, and maybe even achievable idea. If Game Freak can do it, why can't Bandai.

Your ideas are so cool!

None of them are lame. I like the sound of internet, and connecting with someone with wifi. And i totally agree they need more characters. I think Bandai should have a contest to decide the next tamagotchi. i think they need to put more games, too. My v4 is starting to get boring. The games are no fun. the v4.5 is better, in my opinion.

well, what if there was a tamagotchi that had all tamagotchies in one?

like, say when you started it up, you could choose from these and more?

angel, devil, morino, umino, mothra, more that i can't think of right now....

and it would be a connection that could have wifi and could connect to other connection versions.

Mine would be

Have all, every tama form everything, every version, and have unlimited food, it had a microphone so you could talk to it and it talked back to you! and in color and bigger, also mabye a robot that starts out as an egg and evoles, or on the tama, the tama would apper up on the wall and check you if you are sleeping or such.

I want it to be colored as the tamagotchi id and TMGC+C..but a bigger screen..and should be in english...can be connected to the cellphone even outside japan...rechargeable..and bluetooth?haha would also be nice if all the characters are in there..specially dreamtchi and dazzilitchi...

..some features of past tamas are installed there...

so that it won't be boring at all...many games and gotchi points to be given...

..we can decorate our own room..

..also we can go to what room we wanna go..

example: if we want to stay in the kitchen,bathroom,bed room..etc.

that's what I want..but it's kinda expensive when Bandai made that kind of tamagotchi..haha

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My ideal Tamagotchi would be a combination of my favourite virtual pet aspects.

- It would have a sizable tree of possible characters to evovle into.

- No (or very few) gender-specific characters.

- The games would be short, fun and always available. At least 3 different types.

- The Tamagotchi would be a challenge to raise properly, but not so difficult that it dies easily or needs constant attetion.

- Would be able to connect to older Tamagotchi connections for games, mating and gift-giving.

- The role of inventory and items would be minimal or limited.

- A way to properly toilet-train a Tamagotchi.

My dream tamagotchi would

-be rechargeable

-have a screen like the Tamagotchi Color, colorful and able to be seen in the dark

-not be very needy, but not boring either

-a wide variety of games to play

-no skill points, I hate those

-be able to make money when you play the games (you can't do this on the Music Star)

-have a website where you can have your tamagotchi shell be custom made

-awesome TamaTown website with new updates every now and then

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