Your first Tamagotchi


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How did you get your first tama?

  • Saw it randomly in a store and thought, "Why Not?"

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  • Heard about it from a friend and decided to get one

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  • Saw it on TV and thought, "Cool!" and eventually bought one

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  • It was your best birthday present ever

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  • Other...

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*Tama Person

Well-known member
Apr 22, 2006
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My House!
So how DID we all get our first ever Tamas? I got mine (a V1) as a birthday present since people heard that I was interested in it. plz reply or vote ;)

People at my school had tamas. Long before me. Now, I'm the biggest tama fan there! (my first adult tama was mametchi)

I saw it on television, and really wanted one. Then, I went on the internet and found out that they weren't coming out until July. So, I waited and finally got my mom to order one off the internet. Then we were passing a Toys R Us, another day (my tamagotchi wasn't supposed to show up for a week) and I bothered my mom, so she let us stop, and I got the last one at the store!

Oh yes!!! I finnaly got it!!

Okies it was in June, and I got it for my friend as a nice birthday gift.

Then, a little while later (like a couple weeks) I went back to get one for myself.

I had honestly never heard of a tamagotchi at the time. When my friend asked for one I was completely baffled.

Then, I lost the little dickens.

About a month later I found it and put it on my desk... and I didn't use it untill October. My friend was playing it and I decided to buy a new battery for mine and continue to play with it.

Then as I got my ground, I went on the internet and found you guys! (I already knew how to use my tama, I was just confused by the actions.)

I think at tony roma's (In July) the waitress noticed I was playing with one, and she looked at it. She told me it was going to be a dog,but guess what, it turned into a Kuchipatchi! ( that's my favorite character now :huh: )

Yea sorry for rambling ^.^'

Now that I think of it . . . I got my first tama because of my best friend, purplegal93. I saw that she had one, and I asked her to let me babysitt it. She let me and I saw how fun they were after keeping it for a day. Then I went to Target and got myself one. I got home and then I realized that the one I got was totally different from hers. It turns out that I actually got a V.2, and she had a V.1. I had no idea that a V.2 even existed. Ever since then, I've been a big fan of tamagotchi.

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