Your Grades?


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I'll just do an estimate, all I know for sure is that I'm doing really bad in social

Math - 90-97%

Science - 84-90%

L.A. - 84-90%

Social - 70-77%

Most of those marks are probably way off, haha.






community service-A+

friday classes[a.k.a salsa dancing, art]-A-



Hmm... let's see...

Our school runs on a system based on the numbers 1-7. The higher the number the better ;)

Art/drama - 6

Christianity and Life - 7 (that's actually an easy subject. Our teacher's really generous)

English - 6 or 7

Home Economics - 7 (I'm actually so bad at that my teacher didn't even bother marking :) If she did I would have gotten like a 4 or 5 or something like that)

Humanities/SOSE - 6

Japanese - 6 or 7

Maths - 6 or 7

Music - 6

P.E. - 4 or 5 (need more exercise!)

Science - 6

Technology - 5

Yeah. I confidently consider myself quite a bright student.

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Well, we're not so much graded, not until the end of yer anyway; we're currently in sets (there's 5 sets) for all academic subjects (maths, English, Science, History, Geography and Modern Languages) - (we choose from French, Spanish or Mandarin.)

& I'm in top for everything at the moment, but I'm probably moving down in Maths xD

Seriously my teacher is so strict and old fashioned ;)

Just imagine a dark classroom, not being allowed to take your blazers off, and working in dead science. It's bad :)

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English - A-

Maths - A

Science - A

Art - A*

Music - A*

Drama - B+

Spanish - B+

German - C- (Im dropping German Soon anyways.)

Citizenship - A-

Basically, as you can tell from that. I'm good at Drawing stuff and hitting things with drumsticks.

I get mostly B's to A+'s.

But I'm failing PE, if that's possible DD: Aarghh.

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