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x.N e o n

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2008
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T-E-X-A-S, my lovely.
I'm curious. What is your house/apartment/cardboard box/igloo/condo/mansion/whale/ whatever object you live in like? Messy, clean, noisy, pretty, boring, big, small, colorful, stupid, quiet, epic, M A G I C A L~, loud, trashy, beautiful.

My house is really neat, all the time. I swear. My. Mom. Is. Criminally. Insane. She spends around fifty thousand dollars a year on renovations. I asked. Seriously, why don't we just buy a new house? It looks really pretty, though. Like, this summer, we got hardwood floors, redid our bathroom, got a new coffee table, got a new lizard cage thing(for my brother's pets), got a bunch of Japanese paintings for the halls, and a bunch of other stuff. Our front hall is all Japanese modern looking, it's really cool. And everything is super clean, all the time. I feel out of place, walking around in my Mickey Mouse pajama pants, knee high neon pink and black striped socks, and my oversized T shirt with my messy hair and eyeliner smeared face. Seriously, you'd never guess that three little kids and a teen live in the house. My room is pretty messy, though, if I can hide it from my mom. It's two story, and a few blocks from this gigantic park that I love. My friends tell me I smell like my house. I ask them if that's a complement. They say yea, that my house smells like Febreeze xD I probably don't notice it cause I live here, and I'm used to it. Then, we have 5346456435656 computers because my dad.... does... whatever he does with 58906785426734 computers. xD I have one of those gigantic flatscreen Macs. One of his 'reject' computers, even though it's new. Enough of me ranting, what's your home like?

My house is usually a disaster. :|

My parents continue to say that "we need to star cleaning things up better", but it never happens.

But, I admit, my room the probably the messiest in the whole house.


There are clothes EVERYWHERE, books scattered across the floor, old stuffed animals, and more.

I like it, though. :3

My friends say that my house smells "different" which I have no idea if thats a compliment or not.

I don't smell anything. o.0 I'm used to it, I guess.

My house is pretty big; two stories, tall, and wide.

The backyard is huge! It's like, the biggest one in this whole neighborhood, I swear. else....

Er, thats probably it ?

Small, broken, messy.

There's not much to it, we can't afford to re do it constantly, but it's so cozy.

I like my room, but it's really small, especially for a girl with a lotta stuf.

Well I live in a 2 bedroom unit with my mum and brother so I have to share a room with my mum. My house is quite cozy but can get pretty dirty and messy at times. We have alot of pantry moths around the kitchen and occasionally bugs. Mum tries her hardest to keep it clean, but she doesnt always succeed. My backyard is tiny, we've only got like 3m walking space because the rest is tken up with our garden, small veggie patch and the shed. The lounge room is the best room, its always the cleanest and the best. The kitchen is dirty and bad and the laundry is just way crowded. My brothers room is small but he can survive and mine and mums room is big but we have to fit both of our stuff in there so we dont have much room either. Eh, I still <3 my house!!

My house is small. Only 3 bedrooms for 6 people. I have to share a room with my brother, who leaves lego all over the floor. I always stand on them which hurts my feet, and he gets all crabby at me.

My backyard is average size. We broke the clothesline swinging on it last year, so we had to get that replaced.

Well. You walk into a amazing kitchen as my mother is a kitchen nut. The dining is average then you see the carp hole we call a computer desk. And then the lounge. All of this is clean and neat except the desk. Mine and my brothers rooms are heaps of sh!t then you see my sisters clean freak rooms. Not a pen out of place. Then the clean as bathroom and tada! A backyard with about 3 gardens and alot of veges. YUM!

So its clean, stupidly messy and edible!

My house is one level. We have 4 bedrooms. Two of them are small so we use them as a guest bedroom and a study. The other two bedrooms are bigger. I have the master bedroom with an En-suite bathroom. My bedroom is big and pink and I have a ceiling to floor window at the front, it's at the front of the house. My parents have the second bedroom with no En-suite, it is at the back of the house, opposite my room. We have a main bathroom and next to the bathroom is the toilet. Next to the toilet is the laundry room which has a door leading out to the backyard. Out dining room is joined on to our kitchen and is the first room you enter when you come into our house. It has slate floors and a patio leading to the garden. The last room is the lounge room. It is actually the size of two rooms with an arch in between them. It is at the front of the house and has a large ceiling to floor window. Our front garden is large. We have two driveways. Our backyard is also large, we have a double garage, entertainment area and a BBQ area.

That's it.



Idiots Who lived in this house before my mom and I moved in, they should learn to clean up the place before they move out.

Paint splatters on the Doorknobs, Mold Growing in the windows and on the wall. No wonder my mom is sick.

Plus, the house is too small. Hardly any counterspace. My mom has to plug in the toaster,Coffee Maker and Other Plug in Cooking things, On the Table.[We don't eat at the table though, only special occasion] Theres Barely enough room for the microwave, which is about 4 inches away from the sink. Plus the stove is about a foot and a half away from the sink.

Hazardous I tell you!

We Can't lock our door in the winter time, Or it'll freeze.

As for the Yard. eh, its an okay size.

The only thing I enjoy about this place is the fact that When You look outside the big window in the living room, You'll almost always see one of the Three squirrels running up the big tree in front of the house. :3

The Kitchen window has mold [black Mold, by the way], My mom's bedroom window has it too. Theres not much in my bedroom window, but theres a bit.

My mom's getting sick from it [sick OF it and sick From it. Sick of it because the Housing company won't bother doing anything about it, and Sick from it because her immune system is screwed, and Mold makes it worser on her]

I forgot to talk about my backyard. My backyard is really big, but I never go in there. I used to all the time, when I was younger, but now I'm a lazy teenager, and I don't wanna go out. It has 2 gardens, a playscape with a slide, a net thing that you climb up, a rock wall, a regular ladder, underneath there's a picnic bench, and it has a little balcony thing. Then we have this GINORMAS shed thing, five swings, a little cement area about ten feet wide/tall where our grill is, then a huge patio made out of wood with another shed thats not as big as the first one, and this big dining table made of glass. Also, there's a sandbox and an extra little picnic table. Whenever my friends come over they say, "Ohmygod. Phoebe, your backyard is like the friggin park!" It get old after a while.

Then, a quick description of my room: Pink walls, This weird blue/yellow/pink/green carpet rug thing, two desks, bunk bed [ I'm on the top ] These cubical shelfs, my big computer with the little remote to play my music, a big purple couch, and my closet door.

Well, I live on a 22 acre farm. So we have a huge yard. xDD

As for our house, we have a 2 story house. It's pretty big... And it's neat. My mom likes things to be off of the floor and in it's place. xDD

My house... Ugh.

I envy Nick's house's cleanness.

My yard, Isn't really a yard. It's really small (The fact that we have a collie doesn't help.) and it goes all the way around the house. In the back there's a shed, and then the garage.

Inside, you walk into our living room (Main area for everything, food, clothes, TV, games...) The couch is terrible, Ugh. The cushions fall out, stuff gets eaten, (I'm not kidding.) and my moms computer. After that is the dining room, With a table, and our fish tank. Then the kitchen, small small small. ugh.

To your right is the Bathroom and Basement, and the side door. if you go straight, my parents bedroom. Who knows whats in there... My brother, parents, dogs, and cats all sleep/live in there.

Upstiars there is a hallway, you turn left, and my bathroom is on the left wall, if you go in there, it's small, and purple. My stuff is everywhere, even though I am supposed to share it with my brother. If you keep walking for about, four more steps, and look to your right, you see my room. The walls are teal, and it's the cleanest room in the house. Nothing on the floor. If you walk in, and look to your right, theres a closet, a Mirror (On the wall.) and my TV (with a nintendo64 gaming system..) Then there's my desk, which is just a plastic table, with my laptop, and random stuffed animals on it. Next to it is a storge thing, with my Tablet on it, and some books. Then my bed, and night stand, and then my dresser. Go back out, and turn right again, is my brothers room. It's nasty. After that is my dads office, with four computers... and that's a loft, that looks out over the living room (The ceiling is high.)

And that's it....

I live in a 2 faimily house with 800 square feet of property

2 bedrooms

My mom and dads bedroom is clean and has two closets

My room is messy it has things knocked over on my dressers and clothes sockd shoes and other things on my floor

the living room has to be the coziest it clean and has dark hardwood tables and cabinets with bergendy funicher its almost victorian

the kitchen is ugly pink with fake brick by the counter and theres absolutly no room for even one person to cook by the stove and sink

My grandma lves downstairs with my mentialy challenged uncle

and my basment is so creepy I hate going down there

it has cement walls and dingy dark.

theres pipes, two green couches, a pool table, and a bunch of junk

overall i hate my house i rather live in my old house it was bigger and i grew up there

My house . .

It's pretty tidy, sometimes a little mess gathers around if we're not really going out or having anyone around for a while, but usually I feel very proud of it. It looks kinda open plan, with the living room/lounge leading straight into the dining area, which leads straight into the kitchen. No doors for three rooms! O__o Sometimes I wish it was more private, but at least my room has a lock. =3 And it's relatively big, too. I usually keep my room very clean. It's my space, and I'm proud of it! My desk is the only area that often builds up a lot of junk but I tidy it straight before any one of my friends comes around! x3

Our house is also pretty cosy, with a nice colour scheme. Upstairs my brother's room is a pig sty; I swear he never cleans it. And our bathroom has a pink + blue colour scheme! x.x

Sometimes I think it's pretty cute but usually it's just tacky. So people usually use our lovely luxurious downstairs bathroom (which is very small . .).

The garden is also slightly..wild. It's more like a small woods than a proper neatly trimmed garden. And deer eat all our flowers. And those darn squirrels! If only they weren't so cute . .

Well; not much more to say, really. I <3 my house - it's really nice.

My home... hm...

Well, it's pretty big. We have four bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths... two floors + a basement. The yard is between 2 - 3 acres - I can't remember the exact measure.

The outside is grey and light blue, with dark blue window-shutters. It's actually it a bit plain. It has an attached garage and a small front porch.

In general... our home is average. The walls are all white (Except for in my room, haha.), and it drives me CRAZY. Most of the house is color-schemed around blue. It's not super duper clean, but it's not really a wreck either.

In the living room we have a real fireplace that we use everyday during the winter months. We have a decent size television, and couch and love seat, lamps, end tables, a rocking chair.

We have a kitchen with a big island in the middle, connected to the dining room. We have a laundry room and a half-bath down the hall, and the "den" - the computer room that homes many of my dad's books and an old TV.

We have a basement that we are hoping to get finished sometime this year. We also have a front room, which has the Wii, the PS2, the old computer, my brother's gecko.

Upstairs is my brother's room, my room, 2 full baths, the master bedroom, and my mom's bedroom (My parents sleep in seperate rooms - they haven't slept together for as long as I can remember).

Our yard borders a field and a forest with a creek. We have a trampoline, a shed, a swing set, and a dog house. We have a few small trees in the yard (Very small), but other than that, it's pretty bare.

Well, my house is two stories and very classic looking, very neat.

A lot of brown because it matches with all the wood furniture.

As for sofas/couches and stuff, they're brown.

Every room in my house is different.

My mom's is neat, tidy, and professional looking since she does her work there.

My brother's is very plain.

My dad's is very old fashioned looking.

My grandma's is very Asian cultured.

As for me,

well, I got kicked out of my room xD

My backyard is very big :3

It has a very big open space and next to the open space is the pool and the poolhouse where we change and hang the towels and stuff.

I like my house.

When I HAD a room, it basically had two of everything.

Two phones, two closets, two TVs, two beds, two stereos, etc., etc.

[my parents throw all the old stuff in my old room]

It was really nce and there were COLORS EVERYWHERE 8D

Well first we live in a gated neighborhood and when my friend's come over they get all jealous XD. Well it aint my fault.

My house is big and it's pretty clean. We have it decorated with stuffs, like the living room is all warm colors and stuff and the other living room is black and white themed, nice big kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, spa tub, lots of space. My room is in the basement XD(but it nice) and I get a living room down there and 1 of our computers is down there and mah room. Mah room is kind of clean and it has rainbow colors and Hello Kitty crap everywhere. My brothers' rooms are really messy. We gots lots of TVs and I really don't know how much everyone has.

My backyard is medium sized and has alot of flowers and plants everywhere, big balcony, and trees. Our neighbors dont have gates so I go in their yard and murder their plants...

It's not the tidiest house, but not messy.

Our walls are beige, we have lots of skylights..

We have leather sofas in the living room, lots of windows in there, book cases and a TV.

A normal living room.

Our kitchen is a normal kitchen aswell, it has beige walls aswell and a white and beige table and chair set.

Normal kitchen.

Pretty much normal house, but beautiful views and an indoor balcony thing. :lol:

I forgot to talk about my backyard. My backyard is really big, but I never go in there. I used to all the time, when I was younger, but now I'm a lazy teenager, and I don't wanna go out. It has 2 gardens, a playscape with a slide, a net thing that you climb up, a rock wall, a regular ladder, underneath there's a picnic bench, and it has a little balcony thing. Then we have this GINORMAS shed thing, five swings, a little cement area about ten feet wide/tall where our grill is, then a huge patio made out of wood with another shed thats not as big as the first one, and this big dining table made of glass. Also, there's a sandbox and an extra little picnic table. Whenever my friends come over they say, "Ohmygod. Phoebe, your backyard is like the friggin park!" It get old after a while.
Then, a quick description of my room: Pink walls, This weird blue/yellow/pink/green carpet rug thing, two desks, bunk bed [ I'm on the top ] These cubical shelfs, my big computer with the little remote to play my music, a big purple couch, and my closet door.
I'm so jealous of your house. O:

My house is nice but it's not very tidy! :lol:

It's not dirty but we got stuffs everywhere. My parents added an big butt addition and that is like.. 1/3 of the house. But we all hang out in there because there's a computer and TV so it's all good. ;D

I have their old master and then we have two other rooms. Three bathrooms? Maybe 2 1/2. I never really got the 1/2 part.

I want to redecorate my room but I need to get moneys to do that and I'll be leaving in a couple years so I'm not sure how worth it it is..

No one ever comes in our house except for the occasional neighbor so it doesn't matter much if it's cluttered or not.

Ugh my house is really big, my family is always split up doing different things the only time we see each other is in the car or anything like that. And it's super creepy when I'm all alone at home late at night ;_;

my parents designed it, (they're not house designers or anything like that) but the entire process took like 3 years

But it's fun having a house like mine, it's kind of in this isolated forest-y place, up on an almost 90 degree hill. And right across the driveway thing are a bunch of cows lol. There's also an amazin view

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