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Mine was yesterday... I was having a sleepover at my house and my friends and I were walking down by the lake and we saw about 250 dead fish all along the shore and in the water within a 30 meter radius! We finally concluded that there's either a monster in the lake or the water is just that toxic. XD

My last WTF moment was earlier today. My mom, our Neighbour, the Neighbour's kid, and her sister in law, all went out to some farm to see the puppies that this Guy's dog had. [they were cute], Anyway, Yesterday on the phone, He said the Dog had Two puppies. Both Female. Then today when we went there, He said they were both Boys. Then He said Girls, then he Said boys. It was really annoying. How hard is it to lift the puppy up and check? If it has Male Equipment, its a male, if it has Female equpiment its a female.

Its an oxiemoron, lol. CHEESEBURGERS CANNOT BE VEGAN!!!! XD
Yes they can. Soy cheese. It exists ;]

I don't remember... Oh, when my cousin trew something at me, for no apparent reason

When my dad wanted me in music testing in 2 weeks, but cancelled on the piano teacher- forever! (How am I supposed to do testing with no teacher? o.0)


My last WTF moment was all bffjill123's SPAM topic!!!! :furawatchi:

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When I finally realised that Michelle's username actually doesn't make sense.

Like, seriously, I had no idea that there couldn't be such a thing as a VeganCheeseBurger. Lol. That didn't make any sense when I actually realised what it meant.

It's a cheeseburger.

But it's vegan.

I'm still confuzzled <.<
Just then, when I found out Ksenia didn't get my username!

Cheeseburger = Meat and cheese. They aren't vegan foods. A vegan cheeseburger would be near impossible. Huntr found one though! I remember that.

My last WTF moment was at how obsessed you guys are with finding the truth to this whole vegan cheeseburger thing xD

^ lols.

Mt last WTF moment was when.... I heard this guy named Kay Oresanya sing. It was horrible yet epic.

Yes they can. Soy cheese. It exists ;]
I don't remember... Oh, when my cousin trew something at me, for no apparent reason
Ummm........cheese is only milk and bacteria, therefore it is ALWAYS VEGAN.

And like Michelle said, the patty in the cheeseburger is always made of meat.

@ Michelle--How did Huntr actually FIND A VEGAN CHEESE BURGER!???

Yes, that was my last WTF!? moment, lol

Ummm........cheese is only milk and bacteria, therefore it is ALWAYS VEGAN.
And like Michelle said, the patty in the cheeseburger is always made of meat.
Well, it's not actual meat. It's imitation meat.

"It's possible to make a cheeseburger recipe without animal products. Suitable for vegans, hamburger patties and cheese typically made from soy-beans are easy to find. They are a source of low fat protein with low levels of saturated fat and cholesterol. And because the vegan food industry has evolved, they taste as good as the real thing."

I have evidence >=D

^^I don't think you're getting it. I'm saying the cheese is never non vegan. I was only talking about the patty, as being meat.

EDIT: ohohohoh imitation it :(

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Ummm........cheese is only milk and bacteria, therefore it is ALWAYS VEGAN.
And like Michelle said, the patty in the cheeseburger is always made of meat.

@ Michelle--How did Huntr actually FIND A VEGAN CHEESE BURGER!???

Yes, that was my last WTF!? moment, lol
Vegans don't have any milk products!

When Weiwei, Monstr, Michelle and everyone else were talking about this Vegan Cheese Burger thing. It's oh so very confusing, it's not funny anymore. Seriously --- I still don't get it.

Also, just now, when mum asked me to find her green bag, and I found it. It's not green. It's clearly yellow. We're now arguing about whether it's green or yellow. It's clearly lemon-yellow.

Ksenia, may I suggest you try to move on. If you don't get it then you may want to give up.

It's a bit of a debateable subject.

Yes Michelle, I will move on.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I saw a pair of underwear just on the floor and had no idea who's they were as I have never seen them before. Turns out they were my brother's, who is now living my himself.

I was doing a survey about ladie's underwear and there was a question about how suitable it was for men. xD

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