Your Most Daring (Or Stupid) Stunt


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Last year, We got a huge TV for the living room, and I got to keep the box. 8DSo I thought it would be fun to slide down the stairs, so I went down, very fast..., and hit the wall at the end.

It didn't really hurt though, I was laughing to hard.
I used one of thos camping mats. [not sleeping bags]

Like, when you jumped. You didn't feel funny? xD
My insides only felt funny when I was looking down before I jumped off. It went really fast. It wasn't bad at all. I'm gonna do it again next year, lol!

You can't get Sharpies in my area.

That's what hurts... so whenever I see any, I go mental. Those little textas are more than what people think they are.

Anyway, to the point, I remember sometime last year when we were doing tech at school, we used the hot glue gun. We called him Stanley. This wasn't a dare, it was an accident. I was sitting down, and Jen was standing up. She was hot-glue-gunning a piece of cardboard to another, and some burst onto my head. It hurt like h*ll.

Michelle! I draw on my tongue with Sharpie too!
Sharpie and duct tape, the two best things in the world.
Don't they taste Divine?

Laura had 10 budget (You know, the cheap rip-off ones?) the other day and I drew on my tongue with them and said "Ewh. These don't taste like Sharpies" Real loud and I got myself put in the 'isolation' desk because drawing on my tongue isn't 'socially acceptable'.

I once ate a cough lolly as a dare since I'm allergic to them and I couldn't breathe...

Don't they taste Divine?Laura had 10 budget (You know, the cheap rip-off ones?) the other day and I drew on my tongue with them and said "Ewh. These don't taste like Sharpies" Real loud and I got myself put in the 'isolation' desk because drawing on my tongue isn't 'socially acceptable'.

I once ate a cough lolly as a dare since I'm allergic to them and I couldn't breathe...
I love how they almost burn, and yet they don't. That chemical taste is pure bliss.

Gawd, me and Michelle just love talking about getting high.

My sister Kathy dared me to walk in the street during rush hour. I had to do it for 5 minutes, and I did. Came close to getting ran over 3 times, though.

Climbed my tree in my rollerblades. *Ouch*

Me and my sister Kayte danced on the family car, and it started to move towards the street, but we stayed on until we actually ROLLED into the street! (We both got grounded. lol)

Rode an untaimed horse bareback with no protection gear.

Oh, wow! Really? o_o I have a strong fear of falling off cliffs...
I'm not scared of heights at all. That's why I love rollers coasters! ;)

I jumped off my swingset and pulled my slide over me, which resulted in me lying sadly underneath the slide set.

Oh yeah. My nana used to live on that street.

And the Cadbury Jaffa race was down it. They literally let 10,000 odd big jaffas, with numbers on them, roll down that street. I was dared to eat one as I went along the gutters collecting up spare ones. It was tasty. We won a giant block of chocolate. Nom.

And never try to roll down it, ever. Oh the pain. It's hard enough to drive up there with a 4 wheel drive.

I'm not scared of heights at all. That's why I love rollers coasters! :D
ROLLER COASTERS? I admit... I cannot ride them. Once I get off, I vomit and I have a stomach ache. And then I usually pass out D: Just the Viking boat I can't even stand lol.

Baldwin Street? I'd be terrified to even WALK on it. It'd be just like those nightmares I get where I fall off something that's nearly vertical.

My most stupid stunt...well, my friend told me that doing cartwheels was SO EASY (and wasn't boasting, she could really do them) I tried doing one on the rug. I was balanced on my hands with my body in the air for ONE SECOND and then I lost balance and hit my head SQUARE ON THE HARD FLOOR (the rug's not exactly soft'n'thick). I saw sparks in my dimmed vision and I felt a jolt shoot through my skull to halfway down my spine. I lay there for 15 minutes in silent, motionless pain. I think I may have stunned myself, I was terrified that I'd just gotten paralyzed. But then I dragged myself back up, swore I would NEVER attempt any kind of gymnastics-that-actually-requires-skill, and then had a sore skull and spine for two weeks. Never told anyone about that, now that I think of it.

Sometimes I feel terrified of rollercoasters, but if I got a pal with me, I'll be like (in my head) "GET ON IT!" And even though juuust a bit I wanna scream in terror, I start screaming but then turn it into a scream of delight. XD Then I change my whole feeling of the ride from terrifying to exhilarating just by making myself scream differently. *lol*


Jumped into a pool of water about 5 foot deep, aged three, couldn't swim, had no armbands on. Three times.

Played gladiator-laundry-mop-battle in Asda. With my six year old nephew. And punched some guy in the face when I was battling.

Punched a teacher, and screamed at her for not looking where she was going.


I dunno, I have more.

{Oh, Sharpies taste lovely. Especially the purple clicky ones.}

Almost too many to mention. And none currently spring to mind.

Wait! When I was nine, I wanted to walk on water, so I shoved two armbands around my ankles and stepped in. If the local lifeguard hadn't seen me manically slashing my arms out underwater, with only my feet exposed, and rescued me, I'd probably have drowned.

Quite a few of my problems have also come from eating things. And by eating things, I mean things that are entirely edible. Things like paperclips, styrofoam, coins and twisty ties, to name a few.

And then there's been the regular life-threatening stuff that all seven year old idiots get up to. Jumping down staircases that are way too high, falling off King size trampolines [this one still happens now] and feeding untamed animals.

And yet, I'm pretty sure many of my most daring and stupid fails are yet to come.

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