Your Most Daring (Or Stupid) Stunt


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ROLLER COASTERS? I admit... I cannot ride them. Once I get off, I vomit and I have a stomach ache. And then I usually pass out D: Just the Viking boat I can't even stand lol.
Oh, I love that one. Every time I ride it, it makes my stomache feel all funny where it tickles, and I laugh histerically till the ride's over. My favorite roller coaster was the Polterguist at Six Flags Fiesta something or other, lol. I forgot the name. ;)

Climbing through a school window, in school time. I was in the middle of getting through and the whole window shattered on me. X__x

Lol me and my brother go down the stairs in a toybox. I got carpet burn all down my arm because I wasnt ready and it started and my skin came off it was so worn.

And I got dared to go in one of those rings what go around you when you swim and go under the hard pouring water I did.. And the ring tipped upside down. I wiggled my way out and came up.

Just to pass time, I'll tell you about the time I tried to fall asleep snoring.

I was 3, and I lived in Seattle, WA. My dad used to snore. I was like 'Oooh. I'm gonna try snoring.'

I deliberately kept myself awake, trying to snore. Coincidentally, that night, I was rushed to hospital.

I wasn't breathing. So I had to have my tonsils removed. I don't know if my snoring ever affected that night.

I'm 11 now, I live in Sydney, NSW and I have not attempted the same thing since. xD

my cousin (tee.hee.xx) dared my to go out side and pull down my top + i didnt have a bra on but i still went out side and done it

one of my friends at school dared me to swear at one of the teachers by that i mean the head fase teacher so i did it lolololo

Oh, I love that one. Every time I ride it, it makes my stomache feel all funny where it tickles, and I laugh histerically till the ride's over. My favorite roller coaster was the Polterguist at Six Flags Fiesta something or other, lol. I forgot the name. B)
Haha.. I don't like roller coasters no matter what xD It's because;

1) I saw this movie, It was about this girl who could see in the future. She got on a roller coaster with her boyfriend and she saw in her mind that the roller coaster malfunctioned so she got off, trying to tell her boyfriend to get his bum off of it but he wouldn't D: So he died.

2) They make me feel sick and not well.. I get dizzy and stuff and I hate it xD I feel like I'll die, lol.

Michelle! I draw on my tongue with Sharpie too!
Sharpie and duct tape, the two best things in the world.
I used to draw faces on my toes with sharpie when I was little. ._____.


The stupidest 'stunt' (Not really a stunt) was putting a battery in my mouth. Or a phone charger in my mouth.

Haha.. I don't like roller coasters no matter what xD It's because;
1) I saw this movie, It was about this girl who could see in the future. She got on a roller coaster with her boyfriend and she saw in her mind that the roller coaster malfunctioned so she got off, trying to tell her boyfriend to get his bum off of it but he wouldn't D: So he died.

2) They make me feel sick and not well.. I get dizzy and stuff and I hate it xD I feel like I'll die, lol.
I love the rush. I remember when I rode the eel at Sea World, the ride starts off going up a giant hill, and then it goes straight into a totally downward plunge. I was literally floating in my seat. My butt was not touching anything when it dropped.

Uhh, Epic story, Be ready.

So in my neighborhood, There is a pool and One sign say must be 12 or older to be alone and the other says 16. So Me and my two friends took a camera to take a pic of them to show her mom. So (Btw I was wearing a dress, That will come up later in the story xD) We opened the gate and closed it behind us. We took the pics and tried to leave. The gate would NOT open so T(Lets call her that) Climbed the fence/Well gate She got over (The other two were wearing pjs consiting of booty shorts and tank tops) Then S Was mid climbing it and The guard came rolling by in his car CRAP! So S's Zebra thong Was showing like all the way and the old man guard came over asked us what we were doing, were we came from ect. And he let me out Thank god xD. Amd he said next time we get a Fine! When We heard that We were all like SH'T! But we ran back to T's house and pretended it never happended.

God, Long epic journey/

I wouldnt call it a stunt.

more just like a dare.

Run half naked at 3:00 am singing my humps in my front yard.

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