Your most hated tamagotchi character


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2012
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Hampshire UK
There are sooo many topics for the characters we love so who is your least fave/hated character?

For me it has to be Masktchi :ph34r: I just really dont like him.

I dislike Maskitchi too. Though I can't say I hate her/him. I do get a little angsty though when I thought I was doing well taking care of my tamas and BAM Maskitchi. I feel like such a failure.


Well I used to hate hate hate Lovelitchi because she was so overused, but now that she's gone I actually don't dislike her anymore...instead, I can't stand Yumemitchi and Kiraritchi...Yumemitchi is cute but Kiraritchi is utterly awful, and I don't see what's so great about them. Lovelitchi and Melodytchi were MUCH better, and Yumemitchi and Kiraritchi have pretty much ruined Tamagotchi.

Well, I guess my overall least favorite character is Mimitchi though...I dunno why; she's just such a boring character. :/

Tamatchi. I don't know why, but I just had a lot of bad experiences with them. Weird, but yeah.

horoyotchi! she's an ugly drunk!

what's not to hate?

oh, and all of the oldies

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Well I used to hate hate hate Lovelitchi because she was so overused, but now that she's gone I actually don't dislike her anymore...instead, I can't stand Yumemitchi and Kiraritchi...Yumemitchi is cute but Kiraritchi is utterly awful, and I don't see what's so great about them. Lovelitchi and Melodytchi were MUCH better, and Yumemitchi and Kiraritchi have pretty much ruined Tamagotchi.

Well, I guess my overall least favorite character is Mimitchi though...I dunno why; she's just such a boring character. :/
Sighs, you dont know what you have till its gone! Me? I dont like Gozarutchi, because when I think that I've taken excellent care of my tama, he ALWAYS evolves into this guy! ARG!

I don't hate them as characters, but getting Masktchi and Gozarutchi annoys me.

I used to hate Memetchi, because she was so overrated and just girly and meh. Now I'm more neutral to her, but I still don't see the appeal.

And anime version of mametchi...makes me angry, I don't know why?

I don't hate them as characters, but getting Masktchi and Gozarutchi annoys me.

I used to hate Memetchi, because she was so overrated and just girly and meh. Now I'm more neutral to her, but I still don't see the appeal.

And anime version of mametchi...makes me angry, I don't know why?
Lol, the old fat version of Mametchi makes me angry. :mametchi:

I actually like the old version, the connection one too. For me the anime one is too.... bloby? I don't know.

I actually don't like most of the anime appearances of characters, so it's okay.

I don't hate any Tamagotchi character. I love all electronic pets. It doesn't matter what character I get when raising a Tama. I always love it and do my best to care for it. There's no such thing as an electronic pet I dislike. I love everything from Tamagotchi to Furby to Fijit Friends ( despite not actually owning any Fijits ). The only virtual pet type things I dislike are things like NeoPets or Moshi Monsters. If it doesn't exist in the real world it's not a pet. It's a video game. That's why I could kill off my Norns in Creatures for fun where I'd never even think about doing it to a Tamagotchi.

Oh, I also used to like Kikitchi, but I had him on my iD few times in a row... And he is annoying in the anime too.

Hmmm...I just remembered Kuromametchi used to be my least favorite character for some reason but now he's one of my favorites!

And I guess it's time to reveal one of my secrets.

There's a character I really, really don't like...I've never told anyone before, but...I. Hate. Kuchipatchi. He's..uhmmm...fat and unappealing, and sometimes in the anime he seems more like the main boy than Mametchi is. All he cares about is food and it really gets on my nerves. :/ I hope nobody gets offended...a lot of people like Kuchipatch.

Its okay, to be perfectly honest I kind of really dislike kuchipatchi in the anime too. He is my favorite character only on the toy itself... In the anime he is really annoying.

I used to hate Kuchipatch but recently Ive become rather fond of his duck like appearance :p

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