Your perspective on tamas


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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I am 16 years old and I own 1 v2 and 1 v3.

I bring my tama to most places except school and some other places. Everywhere I look, only kids much younger than me have tamas. This makes feel, well, embarrassed and lonely coz none of my friends of my age owns one.

If you are walking on the street and see a teenager over 15 playing with his/her tama, what will you think?

I know some people think that tamas are for kiddies.

In my opinion, tamas are great for people of all ages until they get bored of them of course.

Please post your comments, they will mean heaps to me.

Thanks to all members!


I am in year 5 in school and children in year 1, year 2, year 3, year 4, year 5 and in year 6, nearly everyone has a tamagotchi!

I was the first person in my school to get a version three tamagotchi! :D

Lots of people got their version three tamagotchis today so our school was tama crazy! Lol!

P.S. Don't worry about it because lots of adults play with tamagotchis too and you never know-some of your friends might secretly be playing with tamagotchis!

Just be yourself. As long as you are happy, hten that is all that matters. :D



-sk8er girl-

My freakin school doesn't alow tamas.................................

Thanks for the comments!

I would really like to meet and chat to tama owners/lovers of my age group. So if you know any, please post! Thanks! :furawatchi:

more comments warmly welcome!

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I was the first one in my class (or maybe school) to get a v3. It was n0ice :furawatchi:

Well, I'm nearly 17 and I see no problem with an older person carrying around a tama. I used to keep one on a necklace until I got more of them. Now I just leave them at home on pause when I go out. Heh. I've seen a few people with them. I don't go out much though so as you can imagine I don't know people with them. But I personally see nothing wrong with someone our age having a tama in public. I just warn you that many other teenagers don't think the same as I do x.x' But who knows, maybe you can be the one to make kids at your school think differently heh. Start a fad mayhaps.

Theres a BIG fad at my school. Everyone has or wants one!

I was the first person in my school to get 2 v3's, A couple of weeks ago, People hated tamas, Since I bought two.. Everyone wants one xD, thier back in fashion in my school.

I think that It is a little embarrasing to say I 'collect' them (I have 14) Becuase well, would you?

I was the first person in my school to get 2 v3's, A couple of weeks ago, People hated tamas, Since I bought two.. Everyone wants one xD, thier back in fashion in my school.I think that It is a little embarrasing to say I 'collect' them (I have 14) Becuase well, would you?
Ages ago, I was the first person in our school to get a v2.

I have 6 tamas ^.^

*tama star*

I'd ask to see it. being twenty five, with a streak of grey (All natural of course) in my hair, a my little pony lunch bag and known as 'the geek girl' at work, I dont care :)

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