Your Sadest Or Happyest Love Story


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Jul 25, 2007
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ok here goes mine its a sad one:

i like this one girl and i was going to tell her so it was after school and i saw her then i was going to tell her and i called her name then she said"Yeah?"and i said"Come"and i told her to follow me and i went to the back of the school and then i said"I I"and she said"You?"i said"I can tell you"and i left and i was sad i couldnt tell her and i was mad :)

This Was A Year Ago...

A Girl I Hated Danced With A Guy I Liked...

I Hated Her So Much I Wanted To Rip

Her Organs Out, But Now I Don't Care About This...

I like this boy...I plan to give him this love letter though pearl lol...

He loves me too!

The happiest love [not romanticly] for me is in my siggy. :]

[Don't say you didn't expect that one! xD]

As in guys, I've never liked a guy so I don't have one.

My saddest? Well.

I feel bad becuase the guy I liek likes me, and so does his best friend, and he is my best firend too. SO yeah thats not working.

My happiest? I dont have a happiest. Honestly.

I have a funniest!

I was like "Why does Nick always shwo up around me?" and my firend who sits next to me was like "Because he lieks you! Op." cause he wasnt supposed to tell, he tried to cover it up but me and my firend Gina were cracking up so hard. xD


I had been going out with a guy for a year and he dumped me..... on my birthday for no reason


I really liked a guy (whos now my bf) and he was going out with a b***h so I wrote notes in her hand writing about other boys and her 'secret' other bf and 'accidentally' drooped them in his bag as I went past. Later on that day he dumped her and asked me out! This was 2 years ago.

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well there is a guy who likes me and I don't like him and I was gonna tell him ,but about a week later he was in the hospital for a month and then I felt soory for him and a year lateer I still haven't told him and I can't take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Haha.. I have no sad or happy love story...

Well, a funny one, but not 'love', really..

Well, I was sitting next to one of my friends and across from a guy I liked a LONG, long time ago.. And I bet her that he couldn't remember my name... So she asked and he said: "Uh.. It starts with a G!.." ...My name starts with a J. XD It was hilarious.

And an embarrassing one... A kid who I was friends with told me he had a crush on me in second grade... It kinda sabotaged our friendship, though... And my friends keep insisting that he still does like me anyway... But I find it doubtful, somehow.

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I've never experienced actual love before, as I am only 12.

But, 'The Notebook' is the saddest love story I've ever heard.

The film goes back to the elderly couple, and Allie asks Duke who Allie chose. She realizes the answer herself, and the scene, briefly, goes again to years earlier, where Allie goes back to Noah again, and they both embrace in reunion. Allie suddenly remembers her past and she and Noah joyfully spend a brief intimate time together, Allie then suffers a "sundown" (described in a deleted scene when Allie has no recognition of anything or anyone around her) and panics. She has to be sedated by the attending physician. This proves to be difficult for Noah to watch and he breaks down. The next morning, Noah is found unconscious in bed (it is revealed in a deleted scene that he suffered a heart attack after the incident with Allie, the strain proving too much for a man with an already weakened heart) and he is rushed to the hospital, but he is later returned to the nursing home's intensive care ward. He walks in Allie's bedroom that night, and Allie remembers again. They talk, and Allie asks him if he thinks their love could take them away together, to which Noah replies, "I think our love can do anything we want it to." They sleep holding on to each other, and the next morning, the nurse finds they have both died in their sleep.


Credit goes to Wikipedia for Film Biography

(I'm sorry to all the Tamatalk members if this post is too long.)

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