Your stance on Facebook?


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2005
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To me, Facebook can be useful - keeping in touch with your friends (especially anyone you haven't seen directly for ages, literally), as well as sharing your current thoughts and chatting via its instant messenger.

I, however, cannot stand the random game requests I receive now and then - I personally don't play those, and never will (it's fine if you do, but it's annoying everytime someone pesters you with a notification). The most I do is just delete the notification (and perhaps block future notifications) without doing anything else, because I feel it'd be rude if I straight-out told said person to get lost and stop sending me game requests.

That, and other garbage such as "Like if you feel sorry for this dog who had its back legs severed" (no misunderstandings, I don't condone animal cruelty or anything) - because merely liking or sharing a photo won't be of benefit or helpfulness to the victim in any way whatsoever. Not to mention, some play off Facebook as a frigging popularity contest (e.g. considering likes on one's statuses or w/e as the most important thing ever to maintain your worth) - I personally find it insulting to those who don't gain as much recognition, yet do legitimately deserve it. I'm not someone who likes to stand out too much anyway, be it online, or IRL :/

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I tend to have very few friends on facebook... Not because I don't have friends but mainly because I don't like my personal life being all out there for everyone to see and judge as they will...

I don't add friends from school or anything in fear of it not being because they actually want to be my friend but because they want to be nosy and see what I have done with my life like as you said a weird "competition" I just friend people that I want to keep close that I know are actually my friends and also my direct family. If people want to talk to me they can ring or text or get hold of me on Skype or some other way online.

To be honest I only really have facebook because I moved abroad and it's how my parents know I'm still alive and can see I do things when we haven't spoken for a while.

I've never used Facebook but my mom and brothers do. It seems awfully silly and overrated to me. Though I don't actually have an account on it, Twitter seems a lot better to me. That may only be because I read the Twitter pages of a lot of voice actors, internet personalities, and cartoon creators to keep up to date on what they're working on.

I agree, Facebook is great for keeping in touch but nowadays I feel like people are mostly using it to take selfies and comment on each other's selfies. The generation these days. :p

I have a private Facebook, and a public Facebook. I use the public one for my online friends just incase I can't talk to them anywhere else. I use the private one for talking with friends and family and adding them. Sometimes I deactivate the private one when I don't need it. :p

A percentage of things on my Facebook:

0% selfies

40% omg I just ate dis food be jealous

20% look my dog is being cute while doing stuff

30% u hav been flipped off by spooky skeleton like dis and share or u will get eaten by skeleton at 10:00 PM

10% *person* has just checked in at *insert place here*

I have Facebook and it's not that bad only those stupid game requests and people asking me to post selfies and i'm like "Pls that's not me"

but I have other pals who go to different schools so I can talk to them yay anyway I don't really post that much anyway so yeah

I use it but only to keep in touch with friends I actually know. I don't add family there, except the ones who live in another country, mostly because they barely talk to us here and I know they won't go around repeating things. I just prefer to keep it more personal and all. I do like to show off my collections on there, though, as well as my sculpture work.

Well, I have a Facebook, but I barely use it - I basically only check in every now and then on my university hall of residence page for events and stuff I may need to know about.

also adding that I only add people I know IRL, be it school friends, childhood friends, people I've met at conventions (and the like), whatever (not that the amount of friends I have added is of significant importance to me, anyway). Can't make any exceptions for random people I've met online, personally.

I use and rely on Facebook for networking purposes mostly. It's a way for me to circulate my photography and other skills while also connecting with my friends who are scattered all over the world. I've had the pleasure of meeting hundreds of them because of Facebook and similar networks. I love the community for that. :)

That said, I'm still very picky about the pages I browse. I refuse to browse to my News Feed. Too many posts irritated me, and I found that I ended up leaving the site disliking too many people and too many things after I looked at it. Studies have even been performed that have given results showing how certain Facebook browsing habits can lead to depression, which is what caused me to put my foot down with a lot of my activities on there. I quit using my News Feed about two years ago and my life has been extremely carefree since!

i like facebook overall - it's a handy way to share photos with my mates after a party, and keep up with my old high school mates & bandmates. i began using it more after i started living on my own, but i'm still way more likely to be caught browsing tumblr or reddit :p

Pfffft I don't need facebook

To me, Facebook just seems overrated and is mostly filled with stupid people

Also I am very bad at conversation so a social website like that is not for me

I do have a Facebook account; actually I have two: one for the sole purpose of playing FB games when I'm bored, where I have as friends other totally unknown people who play the same game (and that account is 100% fake: fake name, country, whatever), and another personal one (partially fake tbh, I've put an incorrect name in it) that I rarely use to keep in touch with friends. But again, I'd rather use the phone for that, Facebook can really become annoying sometimes :)

I'm trying to get rid of my compulsive Instagram surfing habit..and I don't have a Facebook for safety reasons.

I don't like Facebook much, but I use it to keep in touch with people.

Consequently, I check it quite frequently. My news feed usually goes:


"OBAMA SUCKS" posts from lovely people

"WATCH OUT THE LIBERALS R GONNA TAKE UR GUNS" posts from same lovely people

"ooh look at this weed doesn't it look great" posts from even more lovely people

awkward selfies

attractive selfies

occasional useful news

lovely rainbow pictures from Have a Gay Day

Something I completely don't understand: those "LMS for honestys" posts. Besides being grammatically horrid, the whole premise of "like my post and i'll tell u something i think about u" is just completely screwed up. Apparently, it's an ego boost for everyone: if you care what I think of you (makes me feel more adequate), I'll tell you something "honest" about you (so then you feel like i care).

I don't see how people care whatsoever.

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