your style


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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2007
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wat is your sorta personality and style of clothing. Myn well... i usally wear my school unfirom all the time because i can't be botherd to get out of it after school but on weekends i wear black all the time like a black top with jeans or denim pants and i wear really dark eyeliner with black dark eye shdaow and i have dark red hair it roxs everyone at school calls me emo elmo but my personality is totaly different i always smile and i laugh alot and i make jokes and im just a overall fun person :)

Um, I am called emo by most people.

I'm nooot.

At the moment I have my school uniform on (shirt/tie), verytight jeans, my black & silver studded belt and black Converse shoes.

Well, I'm sort of a mix.

I wear converse, jeans, hoodies, cargo pants and knee high socks.

I also wear skirts, feminine shirts, flip flops in the summer, and tall fashiony boots in the winter.

My converse and knee high socks are sort of my signature thing, because my converse are X-high, so together it's very cool. My friends don't even bother trying to pull that one off.

I wear all black some days, and others it's blue and pink. People know me as the girl who can't afford all those expensive clothes, but I still make my style original for half the price at a discount store. I'm not spending so much for something the exact same for half price.

In short, I'm original, I wear whatever I like.

I don't really call myself anything.

Maybe if I tell you guys what I am wearing right now you could tell me? xD

* A light purple blouse

* Comfy brown pants with a blue stripe down the side

* Hair down and wavy

It is kind of hard to label me. Which, in my case is a good thing.

Well, wow. Um.

I am more a 'Comfy I dun care what you think' person. I normally wear jeans, Either untied sneakers or 3 inch high flip flops (Awsome will post pic in a bit <3) And a t-shirt. Mostly short sleeved. I sometimes layer too.

Yea, I like Black and DARK pink. Most of my clothes are hand-me-downs I can;t rember th elast time I went shopping ofr my own clothes. (Maybe in april? And before that..haha very funny) So I am stuck with what she wears. >.> I am not happy about it.


I am wearing now:

Red basketball shorts from Limited too (Hand me down) and a Shirt that says Dance on the front and 1234 Get on the dance floor 5678 slide shimmy shake. On teh back.

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I will just post pics, you decide 'what I am'.

shoes (which my mom hasn't gotten used to yet)

rose tank

more pants

leg warmers <3

That's my style in a nutshell.
I have those pants :nazotchi:

The first pair you posted.

Lately all I've been wearing is work clothes. Button up white 3/4 sleeve shirt with black dress pants.

If I'm home, I'm always in pajamas.

The majority of my clothes are from Hot Topic.

Usually just a black t-shirt with black baggy pants.

I don't have a style. Well, I guess there is one but it really doesn't have a name.

I usualy just pull some jeans on, usualy a T-shirt, sometimes a nicer, better fitting shirt. My school is so cold that rarely anyone sees me without one. My hair is usualy just pulled into a pony/pig tail or occasionaly I'll straighten it.

I'm not a stylish person but I feel comfortable in my clothes. Sometimes I wish I put in more effort to look nicer but... eh, I don't like waking up at 5 am. x.x


Well, I have short hair that curves near my chin (sort of like Rihannas) that was dyed purple.

BUT, I dyed it blonde over the summer so now its a mixture of the two colors. :] Looks cool though.

I habe big pouty lips too, which I use to pout for things I want.

Muwahaha...I am evil, sneaky and witty.

My style? Camo. I LOVE camo. I wear it all the time.

But I also like black too. Camo and black <3

Style?.. Humm...

Dark jeans, or comfortable blue jeans.

Some dark or black shirt.

Black [awesome] poker hoodie with a skull on it. xD

Old, scuffed up sneakers..

And I dyed my hair black just a couple weeks ago. ^^

As for personality.. I'm quiet.. I only talk if I need to..

But when someone makes me mad, I'll scream at them openly, Because I need to. xD

Otherwise.. I guess I'm funny.. Although usually I'm completely serious when I say something others find funny.. 0.o

My clothing style is kind of emo.. And my personality is.. I dunno. I can't really put a name to it. xD

Well. Basically whatever's comfy will work with me. I'm usually relaxed when it comes to bad problems, but sometimes I get obnoxious.

I have a variety of different clothing.

Sometimes I just put on my jeans and a top and thrown on a sweatshirt.

Other times, I put together some nifty things with layers

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