Your true self?


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Every single change in emotion you feel comes from YOUR heart and mind. So, there is no need to agonize over which "you" is the "real" you. You are all the things you feel. All those different sides are you. :D

Yea at school I'm kinda quiet but at home I'm loud as ever so yes I feel that I can't sometimes.

We can all act like somebody that we are not in front of people we feel anxious about being ourselves in front of. Well, that's what I feel.

At home and with my friends, I try to be myself 24/7.It's hard to discover the "real you", because you have lots of moods and emotions.

There's no point trying to be somebody else (like being rude to a salesclerk even though you know that it's not right.) just for the best of it. Impressing people maybe..

Yep, lots of people get annoyed with all of that "be yourself" stuff that you've heard a million times. Me too.

If your quiet and shy, that's simply you, right?

If your loud and confident, again, thats you...

I'm just a normal 13-year-old girl, like anybody else.What makes me me is that I'm Christian, anxious, and definetely have a dream to dance professionally.

I can be nice, mean, shy, and outgoing.

For example, if somebody says that they don't like my shoes, I'm not going to lie and say the same thing as them. I'll say that I personally like my shoes. Even though you gotta have courage the stick up for what you think.

Reputations do this to people.

Like if a girl has a reputation as "emo", you probably don't even know what she's going though. If you don't know somebody, don't play that game. Because unless you get to know them, you don't exactly know them.

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I feel the same way

Sometimes in school, its hard to say I like "Tama" Talk because people woud laugh Because I like "Tamas"

I try to. But everyone's always like,"What's anime? What does that mean? HUH?" I only know one girl who likes the same exact things as me. But she hates me. Kaly is really mean. She was held back because she was mean.

Yeah I get like that. On here, I can act crazy and kooky, unlike real life where only once did I ever show my true self. Unless I'm with people I knew since like kindergarten.

Yeah, it feels strange when you think that online people could know your personality better then your real friends ever did.

It's kinda different when I express myself in real life vs. online.

I feel the same way
Sometimes in school, its hard to say I like "Tama" Talk because people woud laugh Because I like "Tamas"
I totally know how you feel! I love my best friend Nicole to DEATH, but whenever I mention going on TamaTalk she's like "HAW HAW HAW, TamaTalk is so stupid!" I'm like '...' but I don't really mind that much.





It's definietly easier for me to be myself over the internet, because I'm not automatically judged and labeled something I'm not, as is with most people in real life. Most people don't even know about my life at home, what I like to do.. And then again, I don't bother telling most people, anyway.

I'm truly a computer geek and a music lover, which a lot of people don't realize about me, because I apparently don't look like it. According to just about everybody I know, I just look emo, and there's nothing more to me that seems to be important.

I am myself on the internet and irl. Because you know what? I'm not going to be someone else to make friends. If they are my friends, they have to deal with my crazy, wacky, hyper self. People shouldn't label people 'emo' or 'loser'. If there is going to be labels, it is going to be your name. You are you, and nobody should influence how you act. Take control of your life and be happy being the way you are.

Hmm.... ;-;

I feel like that,...

It seems as though,

I'm not aloud to open up..

And talk about my

True Self~*

Because everyone

Around me doesn't listen ;__;

Because I know they won't

Except me if I tell

Them who I really am ;-;

But here....

Its seems the same..

But it feels good

To not think about it O:

And be someone else

But you see...

I act different then I do at home


So I guess I have many


*Counts* ------

[#1] Playful, innocent- PLAYFUL

[#2] Smart, mature- responsible

[#3] Judgemental, lectures- insults


I guess I'm kinda the opposite.

I feel more free to be myself off the computer 'cause I'm scared people on TT will think I'm weird lol


I have issues with expressing my emotions with my face and body because then I'm afraid it would interfere with other people's lives. I like to keep my problems to myself. On the inside I have a real big storm, but if anyone asks, I never worry, I don't get angsty, and I'm almost always just neutral, and I have some control issues.

But on the computer I can just have fun. <3 Especially on WW...

I like it on here because you can be yourself and all's cool.

Actually, I dont show my true self to anybody.They will just call me a weirdo.But some people can guess what I reallly am like.They might think I'm girly but I am not.They think that I am like the immature type, but I am not.It's still a mystery to most people.

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