Youth acting older than what they really are.


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(and when we're much older, we want to be younger and start doing silly, childish things again... but that's a whole different story) :p
This is very true! :p I still enjoy video games, card games, and a good Nerf gun fight whenever I have the chance. :D

What is your opinion on it?

It frustrated me quite a bit, honestly.

I have a 13 year old cousin who tries to act way older than what she is. I mean, I can understand that she wants to be older, but she talks about inappropriate things and uses profanity often, and her mother (my aunt) doesn't do much about it.

I remember trying to act older, but then as I got older, I realized that it wasn't the best idea to do so. I never talked that way, though.

I love hanging out with her, but she is very immature when she tries to act mature and it kind of pushes me away.

I see that with most of todays youth and I wanted to see if others felt the same way.
The only time i don't mind profane language is when someone's telling a joke.

However i wouldn't want to hear from a young person.

I don't mind younger people acting mature, as long as it's actually mature behaviour, vulgar language is something that isn't very mature (As others have mentioned)

The kind of maturity i love to see from younger people is actual maturity, like being more responsible, talking properly, behaving well even when angered, and able to participate in mature discussions without giggling, or saying the wrong thing on purpose.

If the young person is just acting mature personality wise and action wise, that's one thing. However, really young children (and I mean really young) should NOT own cell phones (Most of the ones I've seen have like, the iPhone 5/5s/5c/Galaxy). They should be able to enjoy the fun things in life while it is still simple for them. Children that young are almost always with an adult because they cannot drive by themselves so why would they need a functioning cell phone? It also bothers me when parents are like, "Here, let's get an iPad Air for our 3 year old for Christmas. That sounds like a good idea, doesn't it?" First of al, no. It forces that child to grow up much faster than they should have to, and it forces them to have much more responsibility than they should. The parent is placing a VERY EXPENSIVE item in this child's possession.

It also bothers me when parents let their young children wear shorts that are MUCH too short and tight clothing.. it gives the child the wrong idea in the long run. Profanity should not be used.. I don't like it, but I happen to use it quite often.. (I know, hypocritical). I think some kids (not all of them) think that growing up is the best thing and they just can't wait.. well, when they start getting the responsibilities, they're going to be sunk.. Car payments, gas, and insurance and everything else costs. A lot.

Kids need to be kids while they can and not hurry anything along.. just my opinion.


I think another problem is that people use "immature" and "How old are you, 5?" and "kid" and insults. This might make children afraid of being, well, children.

People are like doing this or that is "CHILDISH AND IMMATURE!!!111"

I think childish is a very poor, increative insult and it's just ridiculous. If being mature means liking porn and swearing in every sentence and hating everyone, I'd rather be childish. :p

I think a lot of times kids approaching their teenage years will act older because thats what they're accustomed to. Maybe it's not them personally trying to act older, maybe it's the fact that they're exposed to so many "mature" things, which influences their behavior. When I was thirteen I cussed. I didn't consciously think "I'm using profanity to look older and more mature and cooler" it was more that I was used to the people around me acting that way, so I did too. I was influenced by the way they spoke.

It really pisses me off when I see girls wearing "Hipster" clothes and trying to look perfect, "pretty", and trendy all of the time. Ok, you CAN like the hipster "trendy" style, that's ok with me. But when girls cake on makeup and wear push-up bras and stuff, that's crossed the line for me. Spandex for comfort also looks really stupid and in my eyes, it looks attention-seeking. Sorry if any of you guys gets mad or offended by this, I'm not trying to upset you.

Little kids toddlers have a phone/tablet in their hand. It turns them into zombies. I see it everyday. Atleast when we (I) were/was a kid, we enjoyed ourselfs much differently. We weren't given the electronic babysistters (expencive electronics) instead had to be imaginative, play outside, whatever...

I have seen many kids who shouldn't have these things. They don't respect the items enough, all it is, another toy that does much more then "standard toys" Horrid to say gifts aren't appriciated by some, they get them expecting these luxury cell phones/tablets and get toys for their actual age then throw a fit over the new gifts/being bored...etc.

Then I see these "Haribo" gummy kids and I just shake my head.

Some Kids only want to grow up and be spoiled. Trust me, I have seen spoiled kids grown up... Yeesh. Not saying anyone is or plans to, but it can be seen in some, sad but true...

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Little kids toddlers have a phone/tablet in their hand. It turns them into zombies. I see it everyday. Atleast when we (I) were/was a kid, we enjoyed ourselfs much differently. We weren't given the electronic babysistters (expencive electronics) instead had to be imaginative, play outside, whatever...

I have seen many kids who shouldn't have these things. They don't respect the items enough, all it is, another toy that does much more then "standard toys" Horrid to say gifts aren't appriciated by some, they get them expecting these luxury cell phones/tablets and get toys for their actual age then throw a fit over the new gifts/being bored...etc.

Then I see these "Haribo" gummy kids and I just shake my head.

Some Kids only want to grow up and be spoiled. Trust me, I have seen spoiled kids grown up... Yeesh. Not saying anyone is or plans to, but it can be seen in some, sad but true...

I always see little kids having phones sometimes even drinking Starbucks coffee wth

In my old school a bunch of 6/7/8 year olds always cuss or have phones like really? and boys in my school always play 18 and up games they're only 12/13 year olds not to metion perverted or wanting to get girlfriends already

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When i was a kid, we were lucky to even have Gameboys, Sega GameGears, or Neo Geos for our portable fun. XD

Drinking Starbucks while on your phone is one REALLY stupid thing to do (especially for a little kid). Why should little kids worry about selfies and IPhones? They should be pretending, coloring, and just being kids!! Not "mini-zombie-teenagers" you get what I mean?

^^^ I couldn't agree with you guys more. I work in a department store, and every day I work I see little children being handed an iPad to keep them busy. That's ridiculous. I even heard a customer one time say, "Alright, *insert child's name here*, it's your iPad time now." Bad parenting.. let your child be entertained in ways it won't turn them into a zombie, especially that young. There are enough teenagers that way we don't need little kids like that too.

^^Ugh. That's absolutely ridiculous parenting!! I feel bad for you that you have to see that...

WHAT has HAPPENED to this society?!

Yup. Totally agree. Where they say the robots will take over. The smart phones are nothing but robots... @_@; um ya. Yes, they are great for somethings, little notes, a few simple games and some music. Give it to a kid, they are like our old gameboy on steriods. Nuff said. Sigh.

I see a kid constantly tossing a fit because he can't have a phone that is "up to date" where he has a smart phone, decent at that, and barely uses it as actual intended use. Its horrible and drives me nuts. Had a few other smart phones before the "not as current" phone. They had been dropped, tortured and the screen lovely cracked... Lost.. Ect. If I lost my phone, I would be outta luck and need to buy my own replacment. Way to teach responcibility parents.

Yeah, I had a childhood too and it was one really amazing time in my life. I hate it when right after school ends, people check their phones and go on Instagram, Facebook, ect. A cell phone is a CELL PHONE. People just need to learn to let go of how much they use their phones, and use them reasonably.. I realized how much I was missing out in my life after watching an anime called Ichigo Mashimaro, and since then, I have lowered my phone usage drastically and only check Instagram once a day or every other day.

Little kids toddlers have a phone/tablet in their hand. It turns them into zombies. I see it everyday. Atleast when we (I) were/was a kid, we enjoyed ourselfs much differently. We weren't given the electronic babysistters (expencive electronics) instead had to be imaginative, play outside, whatever...

I have seen many kids who shouldn't have these things. They don't respect the items enough, all it is, another toy that does much more then "standard toys" Horrid to say gifts aren't appriciated by some, they get them expecting these luxury cell phones/tablets and get toys for their actual age then throw a fit over the new gifts/being bored...etc.

Then I see these "Haribo" gummy kids and I just shake my head.

Some Kids only want to grow up and be spoiled. Trust me, I have seen spoiled kids grown up... Yeesh. Not saying anyone is or plans to, but it can be seen in some, sad but true...

When i was a kid, we were lucky to even have Gameboys, Sega GameGears, or Neo Geos for our portable fun. XD

^^^ I couldn't agree with you guys more. I work in a department store, and every day I work I see little children being handed an iPad to keep them busy. That's ridiculous. I even heard a customer one time say, "Alright, *insert child's name here*, it's your iPad time now." Bad parenting.. let your child be entertained in ways it won't turn them into a zombie, especially that young. There are enough teenagers that way we don't need little kids like that too.
History repeats itself - around and around; it used to be "Kids watch too much TV", "Kids spend too much time in their room listening to Pop music", "Kid spends too much time on their gameboy" "Kids spend too much time in their room on their computer" - it's all the same thing. Not saying it's right. Just mentioning that it's nothing new and (getting back to the topic) Children and Teenagers will always try to mimic adult behaviour - after all, they learn a lot from adult behaviour and they see Adults using their phones / ipads, etc. every day - always available to take an incoming call or mssg / checking their phone the instant it alerts them to a message, etc. We show kids this behaviour. It's not so surprising that they mirror it.

I used to have to go shopping with my mother because I was too young to be left home alone. And I hated it because it was so boring. (I would have liked to be handed a portable toy to watch a cartoon whilst my mother was buying groceries tbh) - not to mention the fact that lots of adults dislike having to listen to whining kids while they are out shopping (and tend to judge the parents if the kid isn't a perfectly behaved, quiet mouse providing no distraction - so a parent can be judged if they do and judged it they don't - no win situation - but the shopping still needs to be done) ;)

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I love how my news just said we have more "obese" kids here. Um, well... Remove the sport programs, some other fun programs that get kids away for a while. Then they have the "tech" for entertainment now.

Yes it cost money, but, think about the future. Would you rather raise a tech zombie or a person who has learned to do something different? I know people who would probably die if you took their phone for five minutes. Sad truth.

Yup. Totally agree. Where they say the robots will take over. The smart phones are nothing but robots... @_@; um ya. Yes, they are great for somethings, little notes, a few simple games and some music. Give it to a kid, they are like our old gameboy on steriods. Nuff said. Sigh.

I see a kid constantly tossing a fit because he can't have a phone that is "up to date" where he has a smart phone, decent at that, and barely uses it as actual intended use. Its horrible and drives me nuts. Had a few other smart phones before the "not as current" phone. They had been dropped, tortured and the screen lovely cracked... Lost.. Ect. If I lost my phone, I would be outta luck and need to buy my own replacment. Way to teach responcibility parents.

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