YouTube Video


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Dolphin Girl

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
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YouTube should start up some age limits, there's some reeeealy innappropriate stuff there. But what really sucks about YouTube is the stupid stuff it teaches you, e.g. some people on there say that killing animals is FUNNY. Anyway, if you have a little brother or sister below the age of 6, DON'T EVEN TELL THEM ABOUT IT. If you are aged below 6 yourself (not many of you), don't go on YouTube at all. Anyway, there's the really dumb video created by a really dumb person (I'm not saying their name) about a duck being killed. Not only is it inappropriate, but it's also got some very rude comments and might be upsetting. I'm not gonna give you all a link to it, I'm saying DON'T WATCH IT!

Anyway, my main message is this: BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WATCH. And be careful who you support, because there are some really mean people out there.

Huh. Reminds me of that time NonTT was flooded with these kinds of topics.

( The one about a US soldier throwing a puppy off a cliff, teenagers strapping a bunny down and torturing it, etc. All on YouTube. )

I don't come across too many of those, but I agree, that's just disgusting. Flag the video, report it. Parents shouldn't be letting six year olds on YouTube anyway. >:|

Whoa, those videos sound innappropriate even for ADULTS. I really don't see why ANYONE joins or goes on YouTube with all this animal cruelty/rude behaviour going on there.

Whoa, those videos sound innappropriate even for ADULTS. I really don't see why ANYONE joins or goes on YouTube with all this animal cruelty/rude behaviour going on there.
Because there are good videos, too:


And many more. Youtube has both good and bad videos. Everything in the world has good and bad.

Depends on the context actually. Is the video actually talking about torturing the duck or is it just somthing they killed on a hunting trip. Cos there's mnothing wrong with hunting animals.

Depends on the context actually. Is the video actually talking about torturing the duck or is it just somthing they killed on a hunting trip. Cos there's mnothing wrong with hunting animals.
Yes, it is legal. But it's SICK. How could you take pleasure in killing a living creature? I'd understand if you were lost in the woods and needed something to eat... but people do it for fun.... and that's just wrong.

Whoa, those videos sound innappropriate even for ADULTS. I really don't see why ANYONE joins or goes on YouTube with all this animal cruelty/rude behaviour going on there.
Some of those videos are staged though. They're not using real animals and are just posting them on YouTube to get people riled up about it. Which is awful. :(

When the video with the solider throwing a puppy off a cliff was shown in TV, people assumed that it was fake... Probably just a bunch of soldiers acting like pricks and having a good laugh. \:

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