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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2006
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<-------That Way------->
Don't get me wrong, I take them like every night, but they're boring and wasting my free time >.>

Do you have the same kind of feeling? I just force my self in, otherwise, how do you keep showers fun?!

It's am odd question, but ya know, it's the truth! XD

Don't answer if you don't want to talk about PERSONAL HYGINE! LOL

[SIZE=13pt]Well, I agree with you on a certain extent! xP[/SIZE]

I do really love showers. Because it gives me time to relax and think.

But sometimes I do feel that it can be a real time eater. x.x

Especially when I'm watching something or doing something entertaining.


Then it's like..."Aww...Man...I gotta have a shower. D:"



Think of it this way:

It's much quicker than a bath.


I take showers every morning.

I like it because I turn the water blazing hot so it hurts and I find that relaxing. I use up all the hot water. :(

I am always forced into the shower by my parents. :( I'll take one, but I only do it when I'm bored.

It takes up alot of time. But, to make it more fun, plug in your CD player somewhere in the bathroom and turn on music. Or, I sing/dance in the shower while I have condiitioner in my hair. xP

Think of it this way:

It's much quicker than a bath.


I take showers every morning.
Not only quicker, but you use less water than you would in the tub so really you're being a bit "greener" when you have a shower :(

I like them especially in the summer, I'll barely use any hot water and have like 2-3 showers sometimes. Depends how hot it is.

Sometimes, I like a good shower in the morning to wake me up. We use ot have a bathtub, but decided ot get a walk in shower, which is easier on my family members.

:'( our shower won't work so i have to have a bath it takes 30mins to an hour and when its warm I wish I had a shower to take.(but cool baths are realy nice)

I love showers. I find them relaxing.=]
Mmm hmm. Same here. Thier not boring. Try singing when your in there. It comes naturally to me. :mellow: :(

I love taking showers! I used to waste water, cause I would stay in way too long. I listen to music and read magazine's..and do personal hygiene. I also use my imagination!

That was a waste of my time.

I enjoy showers. They are relaxing

Showers aren't really meant to be fun o.o;

I mean.. you could get like a shower radio and dance while you're in there, but otherwise its just meant to make you clean.

Yeah I hate showers too. I take 'em at LEAST every other day, but they're boring and I hate it when my hair gets wet. It gets all drippy and when it dries it's all poofy and BLEHHH. Swimming is an accpetion, cuz it's fun n_n

But one time I was forced to go into the bath, so I decided to make it fun and waste half of my collection of hotel shampoos. The scent was irrisitable... So I ended up smelling like a hotel shampoo.

HAHA once again I totally type my fingers off with one reply XDDD

My parents always force me to take a shower. I hate them so much. I know you have to shower but they're so boring and I really don't like being in the bathroom alone. We have a portable radio in the bathroom so I turn on the radio and listen but it's still boring.

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