Yuria Charamaine's UraTama log


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Jul 14, 2014
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December 26, 2014

Yes...you saw the title. I am now the extremely proud owner of a UraTama, and a very beautiful one at that. How come, you may ask, since I didn't even mention this in my Entama log? Well, yeterday was Christmas Day, and... Yes, you got it. I did indeed get a UraTama. And that was my miracle of the year! Now I think I should talk about how I got this UraTama. And this is how my story begins...

It was Christmas day and I couldn't wait to see what I had in store for me. I got up at around 6:00 AM and started pulling my wrapped boxes out of my stocking. One by one, I started tearing away the wrapping off the gifts, and I found among them, four postage boxes and one store bought item's box with crosses on it. I couldn't wait to open them. So I took one of them and tore off the selotape and what did I see? It was an iD L English version! Then I opened another one and found an Osutchi, then I opened the non post box and found a P2! I had no idea that was coming. Then in another I found a TamaOtch. In the last one I found a Connection V2. But I knew it wasn't over. Yet. I have virtually zero patience when it comes to Christmas presents, especially if Tamagotchi is involved in any way, shape or form. So at around 10:00 AM I found another present and when I opened it... BINGO! It was my UraTama!

I'd just like to mention that I'm really glad I made sure I got a UraTama because I remember in mid November I made a status update on TamaTalk expressing how much I wanted to get one. But the real question is, how did I know to ask for a UraTama for Christmas? Well, it was something along these lines:

Trust in your dreams,

And then you will see,

Just how happy,

Your heart can be!

Reach for the stars,

And never stop.

You're a winner,

You'll reach the top!

And that's just what I did. I can really see that, if I'm going to "reach the top", I can't be too far away. By the way, I think that's actually one of my favorite poems of all time. I think it's because it's really positive, it encourages you.

That's how good being positive is!

Anyway, enough background. My UraTama is not a regular design. It's a Shareholder edition, so I'm sure it's very rare. It kinda looks like this:


At first, I wasn't sure if it was a real design or not, because I have never seen that shell before. But what I like about it is that it's transparent, and I like those ones.

Basically the UraTama is the opposite to the Entama... Its characters all have higher contrasts and emit a light blue glow. Which I'm guessing is why the UraTama has blue pixels. Well, at least it's better than those eyestrain irrisistant red pixels the Akai had. But anyway, the Uratama is quite unique compared to the Entama. It has different characters and gameplay (and what's weird is that the GUTS UP sound effects are played in reverse in this version (and when I heard it for the first time, I couldn't stop laughing because of how strange it sounds).

It's also got some new stuff in it no Entama would have. Let's go check it all out!

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All right. I've hit the reset button on the back of my UraTama, and the first thing I saw was the clock screen made up of blue pixels. Then came the birthday set screen, nothing too different there. But here's the first main point of interest, the egg looks quite different to how it did on the Entama. It's stars instead of zigzags. Quite interesting.


After one minute the egg hatched and I got this baby:


Her name is Ura Kuchikotchi and she's the female baby of the Ura Kuchi group.

Ok, she's hatched, so I need to name her! I'm thinking, maybe since this is a Japanese Tamagotchi, it would be pretty cool to give her a Japanese name. I decided to call her:


Translation: Kurebayashi.

Now she's hatched and I have named her, it's time to get ura! Or in other words, start raising my UraTama baby.

And now, I have a new idea. Instead of closing the update here, I will be going into more detail by taking a five minute video of my UraTama baby stage so we can see it properly. You can watch that here:


Catch you later, and feel free to PM me if you want to know how Kurebayashi is doing. But for now, see you later! *vanishes into thin air*

I uploaded another video for one special occasion! See if you can guess what it is?

(NOTE: I know the quality of this video isn't as good as the first one, there's more background noise and the video is sideways but you get the idea)

If you guessed "Kurebayashi evolved and enteted Preschool" you couldn't be more right! My Kuchikotchi is now an Ex-Kuchikotchi! Lol. She turned into a very, very cute character named Tsunokotchi.


She's now a kindergarten student too! Right after she evolved, she got a letter from the Kindergarten teacher, whose name I don't know , saying that her kindergarten is open to Kurebayashi!!! Upon hearing that news, Kurebayashi was super duper happy! She got 300 Gotchi and went to meet the Kindergarten teacher in person. I don't know what was going on in the Tsunokotchi's head at this point, but from the way she was acting, she was VERY excited about this. Kurebayashi was given a bag of some sort, and came back home. Then she hopped into bed because it was already 8:00 PM and she was starting to feel tired.

Kurebayashi is going to wake up tomorrow at 9:00 AM, and the fun will start up again.


Day 1 over

4 hunger hearts filled

4 happiness hearts filled

13 URA GUTS total: 1 humor, 1 gorgeous, 11 passion

36 grams

See you then!

December 27, 2014

Just as I predicted, Kurebayashi was up at 9:00 AM and now she's up for the day! Just like the Entama and Hanerutchi 2, the UraTama follows a programme. I think something happens at 10:00 AM, but I can't remember what it is though.

It turns out I was wrong about that. When my UraTama hit 10:00 AM, nothing happened. I think it's 10:30 AM.

Sure enough, at the said time explicitly, Kurebayashi's lovely kindergarten teacher showed up, looking as happy and glossy as ever. And I could tell that Kurebayashi was really pleased to see her. She stepped out the door and Kurebayashi started counting to three, then started going all curious, and when her teacher came back Kurebayashi looked all embarrassed... I can't work out why! Kindergarten sessions are at 10:00 AM, 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM.

I made a video (a very long one) showing this, and also how to connect with a Entama and a Keitai Hanerutchi. I actually commontate in the video this time, too.


This time is was the Street Vendor, who I call the Salesperson. He's called UraOjitchi. He comes at 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM. I also compared the GUT categories in the Entama and Hanerutchi 2 in the video!

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Since I didn't go over this in my first few entries even though I should have done, I'm going to go over the baby and child stage schedules. But I'd also like to give my thoughts about it, too.

At the baby stage, your Tamagotchi will be born into one of three different groups, Ura Mame, Ura Meme or Ura Kuchi. There will be a one in three chance of getting a baby in each of the groups, like with the Entama. There are six babies, one male, one female. There will be a one in six chance that you will get one of these babies, the baby and group is random.

The egg takes one minute to hatch, after which you need to name the baby. The letters are in hiragana and you can use up to five syllables.

After that, you can start raising your Tamagotchi baby! The baby stage is an hour long. After ten minutes it will become sick, and you will need to give it one or two doses of medicine to make it feel better. Then at the thirty minute interval it will take a nap, after five minutes it will wake up. It will require less attention from here on out. Then at the hour interval it will evolve. It will recieve a letter saying that your character can enter kindergarten, after which you will recieve 300 Gotchi.

The child stage is two days long. Every morning it will wake up at 9:00 AM and get the Gotchi Shinbun paper. Then, at 10:30 AM, 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM it will be vised by the Kindergarten teacher who will go nextdoor and your character will count to three, and she may or may not appear after that.

At 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM it will be visited by UraOjitchi who will offer you one item for a set price. You can choose to accept or decline.

At 4:00 PM it will recieve more mail.

At 8:00 PM, it will go to sleep and get up at 9:00 AM and start all over again!

After 48 hours, it will graduate from Kindergarten and evolve into a teen. I wil l not be going over this yet, I think it would be better to wait until Kurebayashi evolves first otherwise it would be spoiling the experience.

And now, here's what I think about the UraTama.

I just want to say this. Out of the Japanese Jinsei set, the UraTama is the one I would consider my favorite. In fact, after just two days, it has reached #2 on the leaderboard overall with a stunning score of 799,500!!!! I remember back in late November I started gettiing more and more desperate to get one and I HIGHLY regret saying that the V4.5 was better about five months ago. I guess I didn't know how good the UraTama was. I mean, "good" is in NO way a suitable word to describe the UraTama. And neither is "great", " awesome", "outstanding", " amazing", etc. because for a Tamagotchi to reach 2nd place in only two days is just mind blowing. For me, anyway. I would actually go as far as to say that the UraTama is PERFECT! That is what I really think about this version. I mean, I don't think there's anything I don't like about this version. Also, compared to the 4U, I think the UraTama makes the 4U seem featureless, I have been loving my UraTama so much that it comes to the point where I enjoy it more than I ever did my 4U, and that's pretty amazing because that version was in 2nd for a very long time and I had no idea that any version (apart from the Tamagotchi Friends) could come out as good as it did. But Christmas came around and I got my UraTama, with the 4U still in 2nd, but after a very short space of time I realized that the UraTama actually did come out not only as good as the 4U. But it actually came out BETTER than the 4U. Still, I'm loving my UraTama to the point where I decided to log it with photos and videos, too.

In conclusion, I'm really pleased to have got a UraTama because this version is just so awesome. I would highly reccommend it to anyone who doesn't have one.

And with that, this concludes our updating for now. See you next time.

At 3:00 PM Kurebayashi got a visitor, just as I knew she would. It was her lovely Kindergarten teacher who came five and a half hours ago, and this was her second visit. I'm guessing that Kurebayashi is beginning to really like her kindergarten teacher because she's always happy to see her :) Doesn't surprise me. I like it when she comes over. She's much better than Ms. Frill in my opinion. Too bad I don't know what she's called. :(

I took some pictures of it:










There are actually more frames than what I photographed but my camera was too slow and missed some of them. I'll try again next time.

Anyway, today is day two of having Kurebayashi and it's going well so far! I'm looking forward to seeing what teen I get, because I always found the teens to be quite interesting.

Thinking about it, I don't think she's had a care mistake yet.

Oh no, she has. I just checked on her at 3:37 PM and found her sick. This is probably her first miss care.

It took two doses of medicine to cure her:






Then, at 4:00 PM, she got the mail. It was a a Gotchi Shinbun paper. After reading it, Kurebayashi became really happy and jumped into the air and spun around. I guess it must have been good news.

Also, I just wanted to say that Tsunokotchi looks really, really similar to Yakantchi at a glance, you could actually mistake one for the other. But I don't want to drop the hammer on Kurebayashi and neglect her so I can get Yakantchi though.

Anyways, see you at 6:00 PM, when Kurebayashi will have her final visit from Kindergarten.

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It turns out I totally forgot something. At 5:00 PM I got a visit from the salesperson, and I think my photograpy wasn't too bad this time around.

I got my first cooking item for passion points, too. I took some pictures of it:










So we have our first cooking ingredient! If you mix two items in your group together you can make something really, really cool!

At 6:00 PM Kurebayashi had her final meet with her kindergarten teacher. It was pretty much similar to the first two visits. That concludes our third and final kindergarten meeting today. She went to bed at 8:00 PM, like yesterday.

Day 2 over

3 hunger hearts filled

4 happiness hearts filled

25 URA GUTS total: 1 humor, 5 gorgeous, 19 passion

24 grams

She will be waking up tomorrow at 9:00 AM...

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December 28, 2014

She's up! At the right time, too. She recieved her daily Gotchi Shinbun and was met by her kindergarten teacher at 10:30 AM, like before.

Today is the third and final day of Kurebayashi's child stage and I'm excited to see what happens. The kindergarten gradutation is at around 7:00 PM and then she is going to evolve into a teen.

The growth on the UraTama is quite long, I guess someone got the idea that since we are building GUT points (or URA GUT points in this case), it's only logical to extend the growth stage so that there would be more time to get them as high as you can. Also, there are secret characters which you can get if you have a certain character. If you have over 200 points in the corresponding GUT category before he or she graduates from school, and when your character gets a job, if you choose the one at the top of the list, and raise your 200 GUT points in your group's specified category to 999 within 3 days, you will get the secret character. For instance if you have UraMametchi and at least 200 humor GUT points before he graduates from school, then he gets the top job offered and has his humor GUT points raised to 999 within 72 hours, he will turn into Hyottokotchi.

Anyways, enough of that. The salesperson has just arrived because it's 11:00 AM. Today he's offering me a very suspicious looking item for 650 Gotchi. Unfortunately I don't have the money so I can't buy it. Oh well.

When something comes up I will update again. See you then.

Oh gosh... Trying to catch up a bit here. So, Kurebayashi met her kindergarten teacher at 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM, and sandwiched on the schedule between these two meets, was her shopping spree at 5:00 PM. UraOjitchi sold us another very interesting item for 700 Gotchi, and I, yet again, could not afford it. So that makes two potential cooking items that I have missed.

Anyway thinking about what will be happening (OH LOOK MY HANERUTCHI 2 JUST GOT THE MATCHMAKER) at around 7:30 PM. Kurebayashi is graduating from her kindergarten and is entering school! Just like I did when I was young. So when she enters, there will be another teacher come visit her, a proper one rather than her teacher from kindergarten. So that's just around the corner. I wonder what teen she will become? Find out in the next update!

Kurebayashi's mailbox was flashing, so I got a feeling that this had something to do with graduation from kindergarten, but it was really just a Gotchi Shinbun paper she recieved at 4:00 PM. It gave her 300 Gotchi, so she seemed happy about that.

Anyway, this graduation ceremony is coming closer and closer, every second is bringing us closer. And I knew for a FACT that it would happen at around 7:30 PM, since that's roughly when I started her up two days ago. Like I said, the child stage is two days long, we are pretty much there now.

I made a video of the graduation and evolution.


She became Yakantchi.

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December 29, 2014

All right. Now we are at the teen stage, so this is probably going to be a bit of a "come-and-have-your-share" kind of thing where sometimes it can be VERY needy and need attention every 15 minutes, or hardly need ANY attention at all.

Also now she's a teen character if you press C on the main screen, she will not smile at you like she did when she was young, she will actually come up close to the screen now. I've seen them do this on the Hanerutchi 2 and oh my gosh it is just unbelievable. When the character hits the closest to the screen it will actually look REALISTIC and sometimes do something really odd. As far as I know, Nadeshikoakanetchi and Sakurakotchi have speech in their closeups, Kawaiinaotchi has two characters in her closeup, and Tsukalintchi has all kinds of weird stuff in hers that I can't even work out what she's doing.

Anyway, back to Kurebayashi. She will have some changes made to her schedule, she has a new teacher who again, I don't know the name of. :( She will be visited at the same times but there will be something different where Kurebayashi has to guess where the item is among the three gifts. If she guesses right, her GUTS will increase. Now, because my Passion GUTS are higher than the others, it will increase those.

I will take a video of that, and post it in the next update along with her closeup and raising passion points. See you then.

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Here it is:


This video covers the teacher home visit, raising passion points and Yakantchi up close in one video. It's 15 minutes long and has a lot of detail in it. My recordings are starting to get longer and I will explain that: I am getting really devoted to my UraTama and I like filming it because it shows my first time seeing this and I wanted to remember it so I record it and put it in my log.

The next person to visit came at 11:00 AM and that was the salesperson. I have managed to raise my Gotchi up to over 3,000 so I should be able to buy anything he gets me. This time he got me a fish-like food for 1,500 Gotchi so I bought it, and tried to feed all three servings, but Kurebayashi stopped eating and just refused them after only one serving.

Anyway, I wanted to say this. Now I see why they call this version "Enjoy Life Tamagotchi". It's basically lifelike but it has lots of new characters too. Like on the UraTama you have a whole lot of new URA characters who wouldn't see anywhere else, although Daiyatchi and Kujakutchi both appeared on the Tamagotchi iD L 15th Anniversary. I am also considering something in particular. I wanted to start logging my Hanerutchi since I'm running it in the background at the moment but if it will conflict with my UraTama log then that will not happen. Maybe I could in the future but we should leave that for now.

And there's one more thing I wanted to add. Now we're at teen stage she is going to start brushing her teeth at 7:30 PM, and she will go to bed at 9:00 PM. The teen stage is three days long.

See you next time.
