zimmerman case


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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2012
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garden of light
hi guys! ok so what is you guys feelings on the zimmerman case?

and dont worry i wont like you any less for you opinion.

i was hoping that zimmerman was found NOT guilty and i am very happy he is not guilty.

i dont have much else to say on the matter so i will leave it at that.

thank you for looking and comments! :wub:

Well, while I don't believe that Trayvon deserved to die, maybe he shouldn't have attacked Zimmerman. Zimmerman wouldn't have shot him if he wasn't attacking him. I mean, there was probably better ways to deal with it, but what's done is done. To be completely honest, though, I wasn't really on Zimmerman's side, or Trayvon's.

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I think they're both at fault. I'm sure words were exchanged that provoked the fight to begin with. The kid had a history with law enforcement already, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was the main provoker.

there are so many things worng with that picture and im happy the Zimmerman received not guilty...its just a shame that the parents of trevon are kind of money grubbing...they are sewing for the same thing twice now...and they are starting to make a mockery of their sons passing...but that's my opinion...as for the actually occurances that happened that night...they keep saying that he was only going to the store but the thing is is was the middle of the night, he had left his younger brother the one he was supposed to be watching alone in the house,he also( which was apparently not allowed in the case,why I have no clue) had tools on him that could let him easy commit vandalisn, he was into drugs, and street fighting etc(which again the judge is ignorant for not letting these FACTS into the case!)...trevon wasn't the little angel that his parents are trying to show him as...unfortunately that boy got killed and it shouldn't have happened but there are WAY more parts to this story that never was allowed to be told in court and its irritating!!!

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I think zimmerman should only get a few years. Yes he killed him and he did it on purpose but he was trying to do good. I think at the most he deserves 10-15 years at the most.

Personally I find it disgusting that Zimmerman was found not guilty. Almost all evidence points to him provoking Trayvon. Think about it, you are a teenage boy (not going to mention a specific skin colour as it should be irrelevant but 'surprisingly' the media have made it a big thing) in normal clothes an average teenager would wear (A hoodie would be most likely) and you are waiting for a friends to come so you can walk to another friend's house to stay over. It is late at night and you suddenly see a middle-aged man staring at you out of his car, while he is speaking on the phone at night. You would be frightened. Zimmerman was told by dispatch NOT to pursue Trayvon but what does he do? As self appointed street watchman, he decides that he knows better than police dispatch and goes to confront Trayvon. Zimmerman then provoked Trayvon, leading to a fight. Zimmerman, having the weight AND age advantage surely wouldn't need a gun to win this fight, correct? And even if he was losing he could have retreated back to his car and drove away but no. He shot the kid and acted as the victim.

Now some of you may be thinking that he was only acting in self defense and Trayvon attacked first but there is no evidence to back up either argument of who attacked who and it is VERY possible that Trayvon attacked first and vice-versa. Zimmerman has said that Trayvon smashed his head multiple times against the ground and he has a head wound in many pictures taken the day after. (If a tamatalk staff wishes for me to remove these links to the pictures then I will. I'd rather have part of my argument removed than all of it being deleted)


These wounds have been looked into and are deep enough for it to be caused by fingernails rather than having your head smashed into the ground. But his nose was also broken.


but if you compare that picture (taken right after the incident) with the first picture I sent (Taken the morning after) His nose seems to have healed amazingly overnight which has made many to believe his 'broken nose' was shopped into the picture.

I could go into the skin colour of the two people involved in the incident but that should be irrelevant. A man killed another and that should be the end of the matter.

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