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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2006
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okay so i was AIM and i told my friend i got into adv. math and she said "Well say goodbye to (my leang teachers name) and say hello to (math teachers name)" and i said, "No i requested i still have (lang teach.) and so (other math teach.) is my adv. teacher. and MY FRIEND CALLED ME A bi***. ZOMG! so i blocked her.

my other friend was on and i started talking and i posted the whole convo. to her and IT WAS HER DAD NOT HER! so her dad and i TALKED FOR A WHILE! and actually had a good convo.

but then my mean (blocked friend) used her other account and said she was kidding. of course i don't care if shes kidding its still mean. BUT WHY ME T.T

soory. i just needed to say this somewhere.

what kind of a friend would call someone that. anyway she isn't nice to me as much and she doesn't talk to me much. we don't have a strong connection so she might have lied. i don't care. she hurt my feelings over something stupid.

Yeah, I understand, I'd also be upset, even if she/he were kidding. I hate it when people swear... >.>

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Yea that is mean but still she was only kidding I mean I'd be mad and block her for a bit but I'd unblock her the next day I mean if she was kidding it's ok so relax :p my friends curse at each other too but they don't mean it. And since it's on the computer it could have been someone else typing. Or if it was her I'm sure she didn't mean it.

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what kind of a friend would call someone that. anyway she isn't nice to me as much and she doesn't talk to me much. we don't have a strong connection so she might have lied. i don't care. she hurt my feelings over something stupid.
ok look, kid me and my friends call eachother that alot (its true sorry if inaporpate) But its true girls will be girls, swearing is all a part of growing up.

If she was KIDDING, then you shouldn't be mad over it. Pretty simple to understand, no?
Agreed. No sympathy from me I'm afraid. She explained that she was kidding so build me a bridge and get over it.

Okay, seriously, you guys don't need to stroke your ego going "ooh, lol, get over it, wow, I'm so hardcore because I don't agree"

You may call your friends by swear words all the time. But that's you, not everybody in the universe. You can be friends with someone and have enough respect for them not to swear at them. My friends, we call each other mean, stupid, such and such, but we don't use swear words. The sarcasm is also obvious. My other friends will kick each other, they don't swear.

And you know, just because someone says they're kidding doesn't mean they're kidding. It's called lying. I don't tolerate "You're so stupid and you suck and nobody likes you.. lol kidding" because you know, if someone is actually your friend, they wouldn't put you in that situation. What kind of friend does that? If you lie to your friends to get them riled up then say "just kidding" you're not much of a friend. They won't trust you. (and of course, I don't mean just everyday stuff, but things like my example above.)

While I think that the issue in question is small compared to some, it doesn't make this "proper behavior" on the behalf of her friend.

We didn't say "ooh, lol, get over it, wow, I'm so hardcore because I don't agree"

We were just telling her that her friend was joking around and she shouldn't be so sensitive to things like that.

I agree with pyonchit all the way. Pyonchit, you stole the words out of my mouth! :D

A guide should close this before we get into an arguement. :huh:

Nobody is getting into an argument. This person asked for help and we gave our honest opinions. No shame in that, now is there?

@Pyon; We weren't stroking our egos. I've noticed you have a tendancy to assume that people are stroking their egos when all they do is voice their opinions. We think she should get over it. o wao lolz, I'm being sooo awsum bcuz im tellin wat i think shuld b dun.

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Okay, seriously, you guys don't need to stroke your ego going "ooh, lol, get over it, wow, I'm so hardcore because I don't agree"
You may call your friends by swear words all the time. But that's you, not everybody in the universe. You can be friends with someone and have enough respect for them not to swear at them. My friends, we call each other mean, stupid, such and such, but we don't use swear words. The sarcasm is also obvious. My other friends will kick each other, they don't swear.

And you know, just because someone says they're kidding doesn't mean they're kidding. It's called lying. I don't tolerate "You're so stupid and you suck and nobody likes you.. lol kidding" because you know, if someone is actually your friend, they wouldn't put you in that situation. What kind of friend does that? If you lie to your friends to get them riled up then say "just kidding" you're not much of a friend. They won't trust you. (and of course, I don't mean just everyday stuff, but things like my example above.)

While I think that the issue in question is small compared to some, it doesn't make this "proper behavior" on the behalf of her friend.
thanx pyon for seeing it my way.

my friend never swear. EVER. so it was crual (and unusual) for her.

please don't fight T.T

You all have a tendency to assume that I'm talking about you when I say "you" and then get personally offended. Not that this is in general unusual, however aggrivating.

"It's my oppinion" is not an excuse to be rude, never was, never will be.

@Pyon; What else do you expect from us when you aren't clear? You never said it was just anybody in general, nor did you say it was us. Of course we're going to assume you're talking to us directly. And I wasn't being rude. I was stating something. I'm not the kind of person that tends to be super sweet about every single little thing she says or does. But, for your sake, I'll reword it.

"Maybe you should just forgive and forget? It isn't worth losing a friend over. :) "

Anyway, maybe you should talk to your friend. Ask her why she said that if she was supposedly kidding.

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