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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2007
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Christchurch New Zealand
A few days ago I woke to my mum saying something about a body in a river.

That river happens to be not too far from where I live. And the body was floating in the middle of it really close to a scholl (Thank gosh schools ended)

(Body = murdered woman)

I walk past that exact spot many times a week.

To think I was going to wake early to have a morning jog with my dog and that was on the route of my jog.

If it weren;t for my alarm clock running out of battery mid way through the night I would have jogged right past (And probably found) the body.

Found at 6.50 by a kayaker and I start my jog at 6.30 usually and so I would have seen it first.

Its horrible to think I could have come across it.

Link to news report - https://msn.nzherald.co.nz/section/1/story....jectid=10549184

Anyone else had a dead person pop up close to them?

That's freaking scary.... I've only seen a dead person once: when my great grandma died, and we had an open-coffin funeral. Keep us updated.

If I were the person that killed her I'd be freaking out and stuff, when I saw that they were investigating and that it was all over the news and stuff... Wow.

I hope they find the killer soon. They closed off a road for 2 days. I couldn't walk to my friends =[
Maybe she killed herself? She could have drowned herself, but then again, someone else could have.

That's scary. There was a murder around here where there was a guy who killed a girl and tried to stuff her into a trunk of a car. It's good that the police were lurking around, so he got caught. It was about 3-4 years ago, and he's in jail now. It was really scary though because it's not even a mile away where it happened.

I hope the murderer or whoever killed her gets caught. If you kill someone on purpose, you have serious problems. But, as Bank Geek said, she might of just killed herself. :furawatchi:

That's quite scary...But what happened to me was freakier. I was in my bedroom at about midnight or something and I heard all this shreaking and some one shouting. I thought it was a couple of teenagers mucking around and my parents were asleep so then I went to sleep. The next day I found out that there'd been an attempted murder there. Scary o_O

Maybe she killed herself? She could have drowned herself, but then again, someone else could have.
Maybe, but the article says she was dead before she even touched the water. Which means she must have been murdered and then flung into a lake to hide the evidence.


That's scary.

Wow, that's really scary. Thank gosh that the body was found before you could have come across it.

Luckily for me, I live in a small town where there are really no crimes ever committed.

May I point out that she was a prostitute? Things like this happen often in my neighborhood/ town. I have seen multipul dead bodies being fished out of the near-by pond and last year I was walking my dog and I heard an elderly neighbor scream, turns out that there was a dead body and a bloody knife right across the street from the public elementry school. I think murders are facsinating (sp?) and a little creepy. During the summer two twenty year old men were shot on the tire swing at the park across the street from my house. The green mat under it still has blood stains. As I said before, prostitutes are often murdered. So I am not really surprised. Shouldn't this be in Seriously (Non)TamaTalk

I live in a small town where usually nothing happens buttttt....

Down the street from me a girl that is about the age I am now was raped 0.o That was a while ago

Also a while ago a man killed his wife and daughter (this was on the news I hear) and this is what my friend told me.

The man was in our backyard, running around our bushes. Our house is a really good hiding place and a plane went over our house, like, three times and then the man ran away. (which is the reason her mom doesn't let her stay home alone for multiple hours becuz their house is a good hiding place)

Her house is next to the river, and it's basically buried under trees and it's REALLY hard to see. I've never seen a dead human body, but I have seen a dead rodents body xDDD Thank goodness that I've never seen a real persons dead body.

Once there was a rat at our school and the janitor was kicking it, trying to kill it and he kicked it which killed it. Unfortunately the rat landed in front of my feet, causing me to scream and run away. (there was a huge crowd of people watching) I was so upset about this cruelty D:

^^ When I was young I saw a man die. I was like 5 so I didn't understand why he was on the supermarket floor spazzing. Then he stopped and I yelled at him 'Can you hear me?' then no reply and I went and showed my mum and shes all like 'omfg hes lyk omg dead rawr!' and then the ambulance came and I never really understood until my mum told me.

The river near us is a dumping ground. Its at least 30 km long and runs right through the city. I once saw a body just floating there but there was police going to get it. It was just a drunk who jumped off the bridge and hit his head on a rock the night before.

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