Zoria-san's Tama Log


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
Story For Today:

The eggmaker looked at all her kids. "You never know dear, how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away..." She sang sadly as she hugged her oldest kid, kovu. Kovu sulked. "The resetter is my owner..." He cried.

Zoria had a habit of reseting tamas, so, she was called the reseter. The eggmaker had been making eggs for first-genertion people, so... she put Kovu inside the egg. "Don't worry, sweetie..." She put him in a transporter, and he appeared in Zoria's screen. He waited a few minutes, then popped out of his shell. His ears flattened scaredly as he faced a half-lion girl with dark brown hair. She leaned closer and looked at the screen, and Kovu pulled back.

"You're scared of my nickname, right?" Said Zoria. "No, your bad, I heard about you!" He retorted. Kovu had usually been kind. Zoria picked up a pencil, Kovu looked at her in fear, but she wrote down something. "Whats your name?"

"Kovu." Said kovu reluctantly. Zoria checked his stats and entered his name. "You must be hungry!" She chose the food icon and gave him one of everything. Kovu ate them hungrily, even though he still didn't trust her. "Kovu-kun... I swear I won't reset you, just please be kind!" She begged. Kovu didn't give in so easily, but he went to go play Get on his own. He lost the firt, and second. And then Zoria helped him on his third and won.

Kovu decided he would ask Zoria a few questions, as she was gonna be his owner. "So... can you show me your family...?" He asked. Zoria showed him her mom, dad, and sister. Kovu thought. Maybe I should trust her... He thought. It's a good idea. He thought. "Zo-Mom?" Zoria looked at him, suprised the little half-lion tama called her his mom. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I-I don't care if people call you The Reseter, you promised you won't, and you will not!" As he said the last word, he felt his stomach churn. "Ugh...." He sat in the corner. Zoria, right away, gave him some medicine. Kovu did his buisness on the screen after, still feeling a little sick. Zoria cleaned it, then he decided to go to sleep. Zoria turned out the lights.

When Kovu woke up, he felt much better. Zoria had gained his trust, so he jumped around. Zoria gave him a scone. "Yum." Kovu ate it happily, then started to cry when he remembered the lioness named Kiara he had fell in love with. Zoria petted him to cheer him up, that made him happy because he knew Zoria would love him and take care of him.

"Uh... Kovu..." She started. "I'm taking you to school tomorrow, it's a fun place where you can connect and make friends. But you have to promise got to be so needy, and not make any noise. Because my teacher is super mean, and weird, and ugly..." She shivered. "Mr. Holowka is his name." She said. Kovu felt funny,and started flashing. Zoria smiled as he evolved into a Tamatchi. Even though he got into bed right away due to tiredness, she turned off his light. She put him In a special bed, it was warm inside and dark, no more light from her living room!

Real Part:

Ain't kovu cute?! His life it gonna be like Kovu's off the lion king 2, basically. I am gonna have lots of combusting action in the story. My little kovu sleeps in my bandana; I folded it about 4 times and made a bed, and I put him just under the first layer... hmm... He's currently a Teletchi, I just said Tamatchi in the storry because I don't know what he'll evolve into!

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