Zoria's V4/V3 Log!


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
This morning, I awoke, knowing I was getting new shoes today. I casually went to school... I looked at the people with Tamas and V4s... they were babying their tamas... and talking to them... buying them stufff... frm v1s to V4s, everyone loves their tamas.

This; in particular made me sad. I pretty much moped around all day. I got in trouble in the morning and was forced into the halls. Most of the other people in the hall seperated; and I could hear them whispering to their tamas what they think of my horrible teacher...

All my tamas had no batteries; and I didn't have time to buy any. So, this made me even sadder. The only tama I had was Xavax(Ex-ah-vakz), but I was only borrowing him. I threw on my backpakc at the end of the day and went outside.

My dad came.... first we went to Zellers. Nothing, no good shoes. Next Toys 'R' Us... my dad thinks they sell SHOES there. As soon as we walked down the isles; something caught my eye. Tamas! V1, V2, V3... I'd take anything. I doubted it would be a V4. I picked one up. Wait, I thought. It has a ball on the tip of it's antenna... And I've never seen that design before... V4!! I jumped for joy and begged my dad. "I'LL WORK IT OFF! PLEASE!" I yelled. After alot of bedding, he finally said yes. So... we headed for the cashier. After buying it, I tried to bite open the package; but failed... I had picked black tama with silver Lightning, Red Buttons and antenna, and a silver screen lining.

So... when I got home I sliced open the package with a knife; read over the instructions; and rapidly pulled the tap.

....Beep! Said the telltale beep. I set the time/date, my birthday, and the Username MYUU; which the the pokemon, Mew's japenese name... The egg appeared. Up, down, up down... around a minute later, I heard a beep. I grabbed my Tama... a girl!

I needed something simple and quick... what about... Yumi! I

set her name, and then I went to caring for her; she was a Shirotsubutchi if I am correct. I cared for her in my first hour... and by the end... she was a pretty little Harutchi! She is average, leaning towards the neglect edge a tiny bit. I am caring for her the best I am... I am a bit hesitant she is my first V4. I hope I'm a good Tama Mom!

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Trainin: 1/9

Intellegence: 14

Style: 10

Kindness: 10 *wants Meidotchi and starts whimpering*

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 11lbs

Name: Yumi

Gender: girl

Generation: 1g

Points: 1100p (T_T)

Username: Myuu

Meals: BBQ

Snacks: Soda.

Items: None! =C

Souveneirs: Haven't went on Tamatown yet...

Yesterday... my friend felt sorry for me NOT having a useable tama, and let me borrow his Hashitamatchi; Xavax. She has a MAJOR weight problem, which I plan to get rid of; tonight... Exercize! I'm gonna play Heading nonstop. By the end... she'll have at least 5K in GP! (Or more...) Xavax is a sweet little V3 tama... I don't mind her at all.

Hungry: 3/4

Happy: 3/4

Training: 1/9 (T_T Just got his first point....)

Age: 1yr

Weight: 26lbs (I just got him down... a few more lbs to go...)

Name: Xavax

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2g

Points: 1700

Username: A (XDDD)

Meals: None..

Snacks: Cookie, Cake, Apple pie, Popcorn, French fries..

Items: Weights

Souveneirs: ...None...

Today there was no school; BUT; I had to go to My Daycare Program... So I brang PKMN MD...(Pokemon Mystery Dunegon); and Yumi, little Xavax too!

ALOT of people had tamas; so Yumi is met some new friends; how lucky could she be? And this morning I got her 1k in GP.... On TAMATOWN! I also bought her a few things... And just to say WHY she has so many skill points; and a miraculous raise in GP; is because my mom went grocery shopping; and I stayed in the car. I I played JumpRope at least 50 times... Plus we had to go to a fishy store. XD I played with Xavax, Too. I just noticed her named is spelled Zavax... But Xavax looks cooler.

Anyways; I hope I get a Mame Teenager; I have yet to master shape; as I am guessing it raises intellegence... Because I want a (my very first...) MIMITCHI! I am horrible at Shape, to be honest. D=

Training: 4/9 (She needed a two timeouts, and and a praise once today!)

Intellegence: 65

Style: 53

Kindness: 44 (Meanie. XD)

Weight: 10lbs

Points: 8335gp

Meals: BBQ, Cherry.

Items: Shirt, Sunglasses, Ball, Pencil.

Souveneirs: Passport, Brochure.

As for Xavax, she got her points maxed out... by playing heading for awhile, just like I played alot of Jumprope with Yumi-chan. She's a good jumper; and I think Jumprope is gonna be raising her Style points; once she's a teen... Back to Xavax. He's pretty good... Not much has been updated, and he is now 2 years old! Too bad I have to give him back to my friend on monday. *sigh*

But-but-but- he's too Kawaii to give up... meh...

Training: 2/9

Age: 2yrs

Weight: 18lbs

Points: 9999p

Items: Weight, Cap.
