Zoria's Virtual Pet Adventures!


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
Zoria sat up in bed. She streched and yawned, then got out of bed, being carefull not to awake the others. She tiptoed to the window and opened the curtains. The snow lay nice and thick on the ground. It looked as if a white blanket had covered the whole world. Zoria sighed, as she turned around Nemo started to stir. He opened one eye and shifted a bit, pushing hannah just a tiny bit aside. Even though, that caused Hannah to awake too. But they stayed under the blankets, it was cold. The floor was cold, the walls were cold, basicly everything exept their nice warm bed.

It was Nemo whom streched and got out of bed. "Good Morning." He said, half yawning. "Today is Christmas Eve." Zoria told Nemo. Nemo smiled. "That means tommorow we get more friends." He said, yawning. Nemo floated onto Zoria's bed and was about to shout Wake Up. "Dont wake up the-" Said Zoria. But she was too late. "Wake up!" Called Nemo loudly. "Others." Finished Zoria. Princess poked her head out from underneath the covers and moaned. "But it's too early..." She said mopily as she streched and got out from under the covers. Even with her long fur, it was still cold. She jumped off the bed and looked at Zoria. "Just another day, Princess." Said Zoria as she walked down the stairs. Way-loh, suprisingly was the last one to wake up and he sped down the stairs like a bullet.

They all ate at the table. Since no one else was awake, everyone fit. They had a conversation about tommorow, and they all couldn't wait. By time they were done, it was around 10 AM. Kanji came bounding into the kitchen, and sat at the table. Zoria made him a bit of breakfast, and left him there. The five of them sat down and watched some TV. What else was there to do in the morning on Christmas eve?


Fireheart woke up that morning. He knew Silk was asleep, so he didn't even bother to call her name. He just got up and marked off one more day. He smiled, knowing tommorow would be Christmas. He opened his curtains. And to his suprise, spottedleaf was doing the same. She turned a bit red and waved at him. Fireheart smiled and waved back. He walked away and sat down to east. Some cereal, like usual.

Silk slept. And she dreamed about the friends she'll meet, places she'll go, and alot more.


Zoria got up and streched. "Stay here." She walked into her room to change into decent clothes, then went back into the livingroom. She signaled them to come, as Zoria's mom and Kanj were heading out the door. "Time to pick up Kymie!" Said Zoria's mom. They all followed, but it was cold. "It's too cold to be outside without a coat!" Complained Way-loh. "Oh, we are going into the car." Said Zoria, pointing to their car. They reached it, and Zoria let them all in. "Sit on the floor." She told them as she buckled Kanji into his car seat, and put on her own seatbelt.

By the time they picked up kymie and gotten back home, it had gotten dark, and it was about time everyone went to bed. Zoria tucked everyone in and got ready for bed herself. That day seemed REALLY short! She could barely even sleep with the exitement of tommorow!
